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Not Really Sure
Citation:   Ragey. "Not Really Sure: An Experience with Brotizolam (exp96597)". Feb 22, 2016.

0.75 mg oral Pharmaceuticals (pill / tablet)
I've been stuck in Israel for a year now, no friends, some have just stopped talking to me from Boston, where I grew up. I'll be back in a week though after I finish this art contest shit...

I ravaged through my grandfather's pill bag and googled everything but before I consider other shit, I popped three .25mg tablets of it.

The kick in is weird, feels a placebo for a benzo... Fingers numbing, walking slower, relaxed to a cigarette, but as usual my typing skills go middle school. I feel like I'd just want to sit in a corner a drool.

My eyes are half shut and I'm correcting spelling and grammar within my report every second, while my eyes attempt to prison my pupil. My body is weak and I'm surrounded by an abandonment of thoughts and feelings.

This should be a nice mix to try with weed, but it'd end up like DXM or benedryl with friends where no one talks and then weird shit happens.

This has been the onset for the pills... Around half an hour has gone by and I already hate the feeling of standing and it's the middle of the day alright. I feel hypnotized and calm, but too calm for that matter.

Semi-conscious report from your neighborhood ragey

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96597
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 22, 2016Views: 2,420
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Pharmaceuticals (73) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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