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Curiously Enough I've Never Had a Bad Trip
LSD & Mushrooms / LSD & DMT
Citation:   silas simon. "Curiously Enough I've Never Had a Bad Trip: An Experience with LSD & Mushrooms / LSD & DMT (exp92096)". Erowid.org. Jun 10, 2021. erowid.org/exp/92096

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3 hits oral LSD  
  2 g oral Mushrooms (tea)
  2 hits oral LSD  
    smoked DMT  
I've tripped in the hood and at a house where I was not welcome for a while. The most intense trips I've had were a night when I took three hits of acid and two grams of shroom tea (penis envy strain), and a time with two hits of acid and a 100mg dose of DMT at my best friend's apartment

The first took place at my apartment when I was in college with my girlfriend, future lets-be-sleazy-awful-people-together best friend girl coworker and her then boyfriend. I remember at one point during the night we wanted to watch a rip of avatar. An incredibly simple thing that should have taken 10 seconds refused to work and tripped us all out pretty well (especially when we came down and it worked first try). Our conversation about it took place in my kitchen where the pc was actually situated in a little corner with its own lowered counter space. So we're arranged more or less in a square, my gf talking across the diagonal to girls bf, and crazy me talking to crazy girl. With two distinctly separate conversations happening we could understand everything that was being said and participate in each at once. It was awesome.
Crazy crazy night

The DMT night was a whole other beat entirely. After my friend and I were beginning to peak on the acid, seeing patterns in his carpet and getting sucked into the damned zombie mode of red dead redemption, we each vaped a hit of DMT. I dont know where my friend went, but it's very difficult to describe the universe I fell through the couch into.

Really, we smoked standing up, with the game paused on his big hd screen, and both sat down almost immediately. I started to sink, and then just dropped into this world of geometric intensity. Every wall was a tesseract unfolding on itself in multiple bright colors, many oranges, yellows, reds, browns, pinks. After that wild shit happened we smoked some weed which made the acid kick in stronger and watched movies all night.

The things I've 'learned' from trips like that are textbook ineffable, but its really easy to talk to other people who have tripped and explain what I've seen. Weird how that works. Overall I think they've made me a slightly better person, though I'll talk about the shroom trip that removed my fear of death some other time.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92096
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jun 10, 2021Views: 53
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LSD (2), Mushrooms (39), DMT (18) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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