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LSD & Pharmahuasca (B. caapi & DMT)
by 1769
Citation:   1769. "Holiest.: An Experience with LSD & Pharmahuasca (B. caapi & DMT) (exp90864)". Jun 3, 2021.

  buccal Datura (seeds)
    smoked Tobacco  
    oral Banisteriopsis caapi (tea)
    smoked Cannabis  
    smoked DMT  
I could have never imagined/prepared for this.

After a day of hiking with a couple D. Stramonium seeds chewed (for their anti-nausea and potentiating properties. Beware never to exceed a few seeds dose!), some acid, some mapacho spliffs, and the sunshine, Captain Amanita and I came back down to our place where we snacked on more acid, avocado and a warm cup of freshly brewed black caapi vine.

This was the best tea I've ever had. Unreduced, a bit of hibiscus, honey, lemon. It put us underwater. Illuminated ajna [third eye] 10x like a soulular zoom. We were blessed by this cup, which couldn't have been more than 8g.

The meditations that unraveled were divine, to say the least. Playing guitar and dancing in the wet deserts of recalibration.
We knew it was time to vaporize the spice.

I knew this time was going to be big...I could feel it... I loaded my bong with some fruity nugs and a huge pile of spice that fell out of the vial and onto the bowl accidentally but with its own crystalline confidence. I studied the massive pile with wide eyes, pondering, praying...

with Bluetech playing softly in the corner of the room, we both sat in half lotus on the bed and took turns ripping the bowl. Unaware of what was about to happen...

I took the final toke....probably the fifth or sixth at least...when it happened:

The mandalas on my bed sheets began to DUPLICATE, and FOLD
and over
and over
with rapid, playful, precision.
Reality was folding in on itself.
The love of my life was gone...and so was I....folded up and out
and I was lifted

This probably sounds like a typical breakthrough...oh but it wasn't. I wish I could describe this...I am trying so hard...

I thought for sure I was a goner this time! I told her I loved her over and over even though I couldn't see her... It was us... lifted into this cosmic womb of rebirth...

When I could finally see again through the fold...I could NOT believe my eyes.
I was looking at the SOUL of my beloved...I had never seen her this pure, unfiltered.
She spoke to me so FLUIDLY, so clearly, so vivid
I had never heard her, or ANYONE, talk with such clarity and love.
I had never seen someone like this.

The deep, etched, carved, flowing, almost plastic, clay-like, fake, hyper realistic, divine, angelic cartoon
fucking no words to describe this...I will NEVER forget the way she looked...and how she spoke to me... all the LAYERS... I wish I had words...

I gawked at her for so long (unable to speak, in shock) as she flowed her soul into me and when she cried, I cried. Burst of love squirting and erupting forth like magnetic rockets of release. Flowing in the candle light flicker. Om. I got up close to her rounded, pink alien face twinkling with all of the cosmos and kissed her into an eternity.

Here we are...

I cried with her for a long time, as she just observed me with a stance of calm wisdom I have never before seen in anybody.

All the bullshit ego that stood between us has vanished, and we have been communicating so fluidly that it almost ... freaks me out... but I have to accept could I not? This love, this path, this divinity...

I have been waiting my whole life for this.
This was the very last of my spice!! ALL of it went into this bowl.
It's funny....right now it seems like I could never go back there and be content for the rest of my life...
but we all know how that goes :]

The spice is here in all of these plants just waiting for us to see how we really are.
There is nothing better than this.

And so, with puffy eyes, a humbled soul, and an exhausted star-shaped monkey body, I conclude my attempt at documenting the holiest experience of my life.

Seemingly 'once in a life time' and yet, with an algorithm so simple, any day is potentially The Day. Every moment infinitely folded up like some paper alien crane.

There is no better defragmentation, no better recalibration, no better way to unleash the purity of your Soul...

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 90864
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 3, 2021Views: 750
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DMT (18), Pharmahuasca (822) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Poetry (43), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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