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A Lonely and Late Night
Citation:   SACpeace. "A Lonely and Late Night: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp89929)". Sep 6, 2018.

T+ 0:00
.5 bites oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
  T+ 0:15 .5 bites oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
7:00 pm

I decide to take them. They were baked in chocolate, and it was my first time. [I had eaten 3 (yes, 3) mushrooms picked from my backyard when I was younger and less intelligent (little brown mushrooms), and thought I had felt effects such as euphoria (I laughed a lot at nothing), vivid colors, and slight closed eye visuals (thought I saw a spider crawling underneath my eyelid before going to sleep; I wasn't that tired). After taking this 'real' dose, I do believe it's possible I may have experienced real effects that first time, however it seems highly unlikely due to such a small dose. Probably placebo.

Anyway, I was a little hesitant as I was alone in my room, and my family is not supportive of such use. I ate about half of the chocolate thing, and waited. I was apprehensive, because my friend had said that these were some of the more intense mushrooms, and that when she took them, she couldn't respond to reality.


I decided to eat a little more, feeling no effects yet.


I decided to finish my chocolate, not sure if the effects were at the intensity I wanted them to be, and I went downstairs to play the Wii with my sister. Well, it kind of started to come on then. As I played MarioKart with her, I became very happy. The colors were very vibrant on the screen, and I saw beautiful, transparent, vague colors in the air.


I went back upstairs to my room, and lay in bed. As I focused on my bedspread, I thought back to the very cool game experience and saw it play out faintly, but noticeably, on my bed. I could see the track form visually. It was a very pleasant experience. After this, I decided to draw to see if anything creative came out of it. Nothing really so much, so I moved on to gather any insights that may have popped up, as I heard mushrooms could help with this. I got out a piece of paper, and wrote down about 5 things that my mind told me in this place of peace and harmony.


I decided to watch television. I put on The Office to keep away any sort of paranoia (very small hints of paranoia were cropping up (not the best setting. Outside with friends during the daytime would have been MUCH better), but not very much). I remember the essence of this experience, and it's hard to describe. Very.. peaceful. Very harmonious with everything. Subtle, yet beautiful. Very easygoing and forward-going. Anyway, I noticed that Jim's lips on The Office were red. Like, insanely red. I mean, that guy's got some red lips (watching again, they look only pink :p )


I was tired, but still tripping. Maybe not tripping, but I definitely still felt high. I wanted to sleep. I wanted to bury my thoughts in peaceful slumber, as I felt a bit detached from reality and it wasn't unpleasant, but it wasn't pleasant either. It was.. empty. So I turned off my light and the television and tried. You can probably guess what ensued -- ladies dancing, colorful flowers, mostly dark, almost black and white type visuals, but some also had color. Very faint, cartoon type stuff.

I lay there for 1, maybe 2, hours, my mind just going on this trip. It was like a dream, and it was neither pleasant nor unpleasant. I really, really just wanted to sleep. But I wasn't, so I turned my light back on and decdided to watch more of The Office (brings me to a comfortable reality, as I've seen the episodes many, many times, and it is very down to earth). Recalling this experience definitely brings back the essense as I've already said, and it's strange. I should clarify that I'm only typing what I really do remember doing, but I know I perceived much more than I recall.


I was feeling lonely at this point. Not paranoid, not scared. I couldn't be sure whether the trip had worn off yet, considering I took the last bite around 8pm and my friend told me it could last up to 7 hours. I guessed it probably was,but I still felt off, and definitely lonely. So I grabbed my cell phone and tried for a bit to call my then boyfriend, failing. I knew it would be selfish to wake him up anyway, so instead I just sent him a long line of texts, and I had not said I love you yet to him, but I was feeling very, very loving of him in that moment (probably from the shrooms), and I said something along the lines of, everything is beautiful and I can't sleep and I miss you. In many more words.


I succeed with sleeping, having some odd dream I can't remember. I woke up that morning feeling in peace and at harmony with EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. The day that continued when I woke up an hour later was a tired, yet happy one.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89929
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 6, 2018Views: 756
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