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Vaporizing Makes Me Lethargic, Droopy-Eyed, and Pleasant
Citation:   The Grim Reefer. "Vaporizing Makes Me Lethargic, Droopy-Eyed, and Pleasant: An Experience with Kratom (exp88775)". Aug 21, 2018.

300 mg vaporized Kratom
Smoking Kratom

This is my 3rd time using kratom orally, though I have used chased the dragon with it numerous times before.

This time I used my home made vaporizer. It was created for a friend who got busted for pot and was looking for alternatives. I had some 3:1 wormwood extract that he used it for, so there might be traces left in it, but that wouldn’t affect the kratom. It is a cleaned out light bulb and after the smoke is captured a bic pen tube is used to inhale the smoke.

The effects of the vaporized kratom were similar to 15 mg of oxycodone. I am very lethargic, droopy-eyed, pleasant, but not euphoric by any means, where the smoke hit my tongue of the pen is numb, and I can definitely feel the opiate-like dissociation from my body. There is no nausea with this method.

The onset is about 5 minutes with a slow rise. The effects last for about 15 minutes and by 20 they are almost completely gone.

Upon ignition, the powder liquefies and combusts then solidifies.

The dosing curve is very similar to blue lotus, more doesn’t improve the effects too much, or even prolong them.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88775
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 21, 2018Views: 1,589
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