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My Cat Licked Milligrams Off My Fingers
Citation:   psyveggie. "My Cat Licked Milligrams Off My Fingers: An Experience with 2C-B (exp88074)". Jan 9, 2018.

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  oral 2C-B (powder / crystals)
I was whiping the desk with my fingers not figuring out it might have actually some Mg's in my fingers... Well my then my cat jumps! And guess what? As usuall licks my fingers, then I realized what I have DONE! My cat is tripping balls with me! FOR REAL!

At first, panicked a bit, woah my cat is on 2CB! Should I call the vet hospital?? Well lets see after a minutes watching him carefully here is what happened:

T+00M - Cat gets accidentally 2cb-
T+02M - He gets more energetic and curious about surrounding, but still very normal for 9months old cat.
T+03M- Searching for random things, more energetic.
T+08M - Seems very tired (blood pressure raise from 2cb??)
T+11M - Gets into bed and sleeps. Thank god my cat is good!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88074
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jan 9, 2018Views: 109
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2C-B (52) : Unknown Context (20), Second Hand Report (42), General (1)

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