Rollercoaster Ride
Citation:   Ottergrrl. "Rollercoaster Ride: An Experience with LSD (exp8757)". May 14, 2004.

1 hit oral LSD (liquid)
A couple of weeks ago, my fiance M and I were given two Necco candies with Lsd dropped on them. We took it the night we got it, after a nice, mellow dinner party with close friends. It was a very impulsive move; usually he and I make preparations such as location, purpose and general feelings about taking the drug. But that night we just decided to take them right when we got home, as it was already midnight.

We arrive home and then ingest. I feel I must also say that I am a paraplegic as of last Sept., and since the car accident I have tried MDMA, Cannibis and 2-CB, all with good results. This was to be my first LSD trip in my new body.

We begin to feel the effects within an hour. The usual giddy, absolutley goofy euphoria engulfs us, everything is made into a joke somehow. We mill around the apartment aimlessly, realizing that we have tripped in this house, with the same atmosphere, too many times. It is becoming stale, and why did we do this anyway? I began to feel kind of foolish and irresponsible, we did not have a purpose for this trip, we did it to get high. We are both feeling kind of claustraphobic so we go outside to smoke cigarettes.

By this time it is about 2 or 3hours into the trip. The steep climb of the high is evening out to its plateau. We hear a single car approaching on the nearby road, and it is pretty much the only sound that is around us right then, and we both tune our ears to it, listening to the nighttime driver getting closer to the round-about that is right up the street from our apartment complex. As we listen, we hear the tires suddenly start to squeal, and then screech, and then SLAM!, and with hair raising clarity we can hear the EEEEEEEE of the car horn stuck on. We look at eachother with the classic, 'Oh, SHIT!' faces. M pauses, then says, 'I have to call 911.' M runs into the house, gets the cordless phone and brings it outside. He holds the phone in his hand and stares at it, and I know exactly what he is thinking: Shit, am I coherent enough to do this? I'm so fucking high, but I have to call. So he calls. After M reports what we heard, the dispatcher takes his name and adress, and we hope that the cops don't come and try to talk to us. M hangs up the phone. The car horn is still stuck, but it shuts off after a few more minutes. I try not to imagine the reasons why it got stuck, or how it turned off. Soon we hear the approaching sirens, and tow truck.

Needless to say, this event took our trip and spun it 180 degrees. We discussed how strange it was that we took this drug on impluse (which was unusual for us), and after wondering why, we went outside and this whole thing began to transpire. We talked about how even though M was really high, he could not _not_ do anything, because when we got into our accident, people called 911 for us, people put out the fire we started, people dragged us up out of the ditch and saved us. We ruminated that this night might be part of some cyclical karma and in another, parallel world, we had saved our own asses.

We went back inside and crawled into bed and held eachother, we were both a little unnerved. After we had calmed down for a while, M asked if I wanted to make love. I said yes, and we began to embark on a very healing and spiritual, sexual journey. Those hours are so dreamlike to my memory. It went something like this:

I don't know if anyone else experiences this, but when I get tickled, I laugh and squeal, but underneath there is a real feeling of fear, like someone is coming too close to a sacred or private place, physically as well as mentally. M began to tickle me on my stomach, and I got that feeling, and I used the LSD to push past that feeling of fear (or let him into it). What I felt then made me cry, and then I would laugh again, and then push him away when I needed to rest (pushing past fear takes a lot of energy). After a minute or so I would let him back in, and this cycle of crying and laughing and gasping continued for about half an hour, and it began to bring up all this cruddy, phlegmy stuff that had been in my lungs for weeks (I can't cough like I used to), and I could breathe much better. Then we proceeded to take the energy we had built up into our hands, and our hands danced together, pushing waves of energy back and forth between us. Then we talked about some issues in our sex life that had been festering since we got into the car accident. And after all this, I felt so completely husked clean and light. M setteled down to go to sleep, but I was not so lucky.

I have always had a hard time sleeping after an LSD trip, and this was no exception. My mind started up with the circle of thoughts, over and over, and when I tried to go to sleep it felt like once I slipped over taht thin line between sleep and wake some vital function would stop, like my heart or breathing. I began to wonder if the LSD was having some sort of reaction with my other medications (Neurontin for nerve pain and an antibiotic). I would slip in and out of this paranoia, in which I though if I fell asleep I would die. I kept waking M up and asking him to tell me I was OK, but he kept falling back to sleep. I finally decided that since I was thinking I would die if I fell asleep, I just wouldn't
sleep right now. The logical part of my brain knew that things would be ok and all I had to do was ride it out, I figured I only had about two hours left until baseline. So I woke M up once more and asked him to set up the TV and VCR so I could distract myself and stay awake, which he gladly did.
About halfway into my movie I began to experience back pain, and I thought, 'Oh great, here we go,'. I tried not to think about too much because I knew that would make the pain worse. This was pretty much the only thing I was worried about with LSD and my new body, and it was showing up. On MDMA and 2-CB the only physical effects I got were increased spasms and stiffness in my legs. I got those on LSD too, in addition to back pain.

Despite me efforts to distract myself, the pain kept getting progressively
worse until I could not move. When I moved, or if the bedsheet was moved over my legs and feet, the spasms in my back would twitch in protest. But I had to turn myself over every few hours, and this was excruciating. By about noon the day after we dropped, I still could not move without pain. M brought me food in bed, and more movies. I began to worry when I found the back pain did not leave my body even though I was no longer high.
At about 6pm I was turning myself over again, but this time when I did it the pain in my back just about tripled. Now, there was a small part of me that was really intrigued by all this, especially when I found I could feel the shooting pain all the way down my right leg (read: I could _feel_ my right leg). But by now both M and I were really worried, and we tried to call all our friends that knew anything about muscules and massage but no one was home. We contemplated taking me to the hospital but we didn't know how, since every movement made me cry out in pain. So M got a cold pack out of the freezer and put it on one particularly nasty, spasming muscle.
By this time I had been awake for almost 36 hours, and despite the pain I found myself finally passing out.

When I woke up about 4 hours later the pain had lessened to the point where I could turn over again. Then I went back to sleep. All in all I was in bed for about a day and a half. The pain gradually let up, although it did take about 3 more days to feel completely normal again.

The whole trip was a incredible rollercoaster ride, and I have decided that because of the pain, I will never take LSD again. But I do not regret this trip. The spiritual awakening between M and I was well worth it. Plus, I got to scratch another drug off my 'first time in the new body' list. I am anxious to try salvia, DMT and I may be getting fungus soon. Wish me luck.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8757
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 14, 2004Views: 12,274
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LSD (2) : Difficult Experiences (5), Sex Discussion (14), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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