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Laser Zeppelin and the Drunk Frat Boy
Citation:   frodoMurderface. "Laser Zeppelin and the Drunk Frat Boy: An Experience with 2C-I (exp74420)". Mar 28, 2019.

30 mg   2C-I
You've gotta love psychedelics.

In the Louisville Ky scene, it's very difficult to come across good hallucinogens, especially lsd or psilocybin. The most available psychedelic is 2c-I or 2c-e(both acquired from the same source). We like to call the 2c-substances 'CHAOS' dude to the similarities in effects, and because of the nature of the experience.

My friends and I are avid users of these substances and use them bi-weekly,if not weekly, with good results each time.

This night, however, would be one for the history books.
There were 4 of us and we each ingested about 30 mgs of 2c-I. This was around 9 o clock pm. We had plans to attend a laser light show showcasing led zeppelin's classics.

The onset is always pretty quick, around 10 I was feeling a pleasant stoned feeling, with the minor stomach cramping that usually accompanies 2c-whathaveyou's. The show started at 11, so the crew of merry pranksters embark on a journey to the local University Planetarium.

By this time,I'd say roughly 10:45, the visuals had started, at first just minor warping and color shifting, along with the hysteric laughing and finding stupid, minuscule things hilarious and compelling.

We enter the planetarium lobby and have to face the tedious task of paying the 7 dollars for entry. Having used most of my paper money to pay for the 2c-I, I had to pay in quarters, which has never been so hard to do.

The coins in my hand would get larger, change from silver to red, then green, and back to silver. Counting out 7 dollars in coins is nearly impossible on this substance, because the harder I try to focus on a specific point, the more intense the visuals get. I finally get inside and take my seat in the planetarium, my friends and I laughing at the cloud patterns on the dome projection screen above us.

That's when a fellow we'll call 'jesse' walks in. He is visibly drunk, and carries a fifth of Smirnoff vodka with him.
He sits directly in front of our giggling, wide-eyed crew, looks back and instantly knows we're on something. '2c-I' I say, and surprisingly, he knows what it is and commends our use.

He then says, 'did you guys actually pay to get in here?'

This caused us to start laughing again, and 'jesse' lights a cigarette. The cigarette in his mouth seems to grow in a manner similar to Pinocchio's nose. The smell of it was so awful in comparison to the sweet, cool smell of the planetarium. My senses were ridiculously sharpened, every smell, sound, everything I touched, was compelling and gave me a feeling of well being.

An usher from the place comes and snatches the cigarette from his hands, 'no smoking in here sir' by this time I was having minor aural distortions, so only every other word I could hear clearly.
The rest sounded a little like charlie brown's teacher.

10 minutes later(I'm assuming, perception of time on this drug is warped, minutes seem like hours, etc.) 'jesse' lights another cigarette, and two football playing types call him out 'Hey this guy is smoking in here, bro. How rude'
Jesse then proceeds to try to fight them, fails because he's so drunk, and is promptly ejected on the shoulders of the bouncers.

Then the lasers start...
Music sounds so good, I almost wanted to cry. I've listened to led zeppelin 1000s of times, but never had I thought that I fully understood the nature and meanings of all their songs.
The lasers going with every note, was almost overwhelming. Then I started doing something I refer to as 'zoning out' where I relax my eyes on a specific point and let the substance take hold.

The colors and the movements were amazing, I couldn't tell what I was imagining and what was actually happening, nevertheless I felt as if if were floating upward into the swirls and spinning lights. I felt completely at ease with everything in my life at this point, and tears began to well up in my eyes.
I couldn't tell what I was imagining and what was actually happening, nevertheless I felt as if if were floating upward into the swirls and spinning lights. I felt completely at ease with everything in my life at this point, and tears began to well up in my eyes.

I knew that I would probably never experience a feeling of this caliber again.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
After the show, things were pretty uneventful, though the car ride home was filled with laughter and visual distortions, cars seemed to stretch out and would leave colorful silhouettes in their place.

The come down is never too uncomfortable, other than having to deal with the fact that the next day I have to re-enter the rat race, deal with stupid people, and everything isn't as funny anymore.

I've grown to love this substance, because of the social feeling of xtc and the visuals of lsd for much cheaper than combining the 2.

Peace, love, and chaos.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74420
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 28, 2019Views: 568
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2C-I (172) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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