Walking Through the Astral Planes
by Yaan
Citation:   Yaan. "Walking Through the Astral Planes: An Experience with Cannabis (exp73892)". Erowid.org. Jun 11, 2020. erowid.org/exp/73892

  oral Cannabis (edible / food)
One day I decided to try weed peanut butter. I won't use this method again, because I can't stand the the flavor. I simply chopped up a big bud (don't know how much it weighed or its potency, but I bet it was maybe between 0.75g - 1.5g's, it was a fairly large bud) finely. Then I put in it some peanut butter and made sure all the weed was covered up by it. Then I popped it in the microwave until the weed was brown/almost black. It didn't taste so bad the first time. I ate the whole thing like pudding, not knowing what I was in for. After maybe an hour, I felt not much more than some mild sedation.
After maybe an hour, I felt not much more than some mild sedation.
So I'm like fuck this shit, what a waste. Then I decided to go for a walk. All it consisted of was walking to the convenient store and back, and it turned out to be the best time of my life. So I was walking up the hill to the avenue. This is when the fun started, and ultra time dilation began taking effect.

I decided to call my friend. I didn't realize how fuxXx0r3d I was already. All that came out was like half gibberish half laughter, and I couldn't form a single coherent sentence no matter how hard I tried. I just hung up and continued walking. When I was on the sidewalk of the avenue, I was almost peaking. It was like I was in a higher plane of existence, and it was total bliss. Everything looked so much more beautiful than it really was (I live in a suburban town). I've had the best time of my life, and all it consisted of was walking to the ghandi mart and back.

As I was getting near my home I was so fucked up and nauseas my body just couldn't absorb any more THC. It felt like all the blood left my body, especially my legs. I had almost zero coordination and I can't believe I made it down that hill. Here's basically the positive and negative effects I experienced:

- Fully edeitic imagery - experience fully what I imagine
- Lilliputian hallucinations - everything seems either too big or too small, or both.
- Sound distortion - like sound was chopped up into frames or echoed
- Strong euphoria :)
- brightened colors - everything was very bright, like their was more sunlight.
- Time dilation
- cottonmouth from hell
- severely impaired coordination and other motor skills
- uncontrollable laughter and smiling
- nausea & vomiting - near the end my body just couldn't absorb any more thc so I began to projectile vomit.
- hangover - head splitting headache
- simultaneous pleasant body feel with dissociation
- delirium
- slight paranoia
- tunnel vision

Despite the negative effects, it was very worth it. The closest thing I would liken it to is an upper second plateau DXM trip. I would definately do it again, but I'll experiment more with the dosage to find the perfect amount that won't make me puke.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 73892
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 11, 2020Views: 685
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Cannabis (1) : Glowing Experiences (4), Preparation / Recipes (30), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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