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Blissful Warmth
by eXec
Citation:   eXec. "Blissful Warmth: An Experience with Heroin (exp73753)". Erowid.org. Jun 11, 2018. erowid.org/exp/73753

  IV Heroin (liquid)
Well, I guess I'll start off with some history. I've done all of the following at least once or more; marijuana, cocaine, vicoden, percocet, tramadol, darvon/darvocet, morphine, and mushrooms. There's probably more that I'm forgetting but whatever.

Setting: In my room, no music on or anything, just got home from class.

T = 3pm

Around this time I decide to shoot some H since my head is pounding from listening to my cisco teacher drone on for 3 hours about stuff I already know. I dump the contents of 1 bag of smack into a spoon, add around 50cc of water and cook it up. I stick a piece of a cotton ball in there for the filter and draw it up into a clean, sterile insulin syringe. I make sure all the air is out first and then find a suitable vein. I draw back on the plunger to make sure I'm in and I get a flag so I shoot it all in.

T + 15
Everything turns to bliss as I feel the warm sensation come over my body. Everything is good.

T + 30

Still feeling pretty good, gonna go watch some TV and end this thing so I can enjoy the rest of it while laying in bed. Opiates always seem to feel best when I lay in bed. Overall this feels like its gonna be a good ride.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73753
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 11, 2018Views: 1,491
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Heroin (27) : Alone (16), General (1)

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