Out of Sync With My Mind and My Body
Citation:   Arandomperson123. "Out of Sync With My Mind and My Body: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp73529)". Erowid.org. May 25, 2020. erowid.org/exp/73529

50 g oral Nutmeg
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
This was my first ever high.To start off, I'm 12 years old, I live in connecticut (ugh) and was bored after a long summer. I had went to florida, and now I was back at home, the rest of my family out places, and I needed something to do. Badly. So, like any kid, I went on the internet. I found a website and went to the drug experience section and found nutmeg. I know what it tasted like, smells like, and my mom has a lot of it, whole cloves and ground. So, I found the right dosage and got several opinions. I mixed it, ground, with milk, and chugged it.

I think the whole talk over it tasting bad is over rated. It went down easily, sure, it wasn't great but it wasn't engrueling. After I had eaten I read another review, and this one told me some of the dangers. I became a little bit nervous, but decided I would right it through.

First 5 hours, nothing, as to be expected.
10 hrs: Nothing. It's time for me to go to bed, I'm tired. I read that it makes your thirsty, so brought a mason jar of water up with me, and my iPod to maybe enhance the experience.

Maybe 3 hours after going into bed. I wake up from a really, really intense dream of my riding through a city with...'things' chasing me. It was messed up. So I'm sweating kind of, a little bit thirsty, and my room seems to be pulsating. It's almost as if it is living. I get out of bed and press myself against my window to cool down. That was intense too. My nerves seemed to be heightened, like, ready to pounce. I felt anxious, but I didn't care either. I became irrationally worried about my dog, and I also felt hazy, like my movements were delayed.... To put it another way, when I walk normally my joints are oiled. When I walked on this night, I felt like there was some kind of resistance. But there wasn't... I felt out of sync with my mind and my body. Over time I decided I should fall asleep. I drank about 14 oz of water by now.

The next day I felt laggy. Nothing felt heightened or as intense as last night, but my vision was slow and my mind was thinking differently.

I felt this way for maybe 8 hours after that night.

Weird high, I probably won't do it again as it seems dangerous... And for those who say its like fever high, I never felt that strange sense of fear. It was pleasant, kind of.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73529
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 12
Published: May 25, 2020Views: 778
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