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Citation:   retirw. "Awful: An Experience with MDMA (exp68537)". Jan 7, 2021.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I'm a regular pot smoker but that's about it. I've done e once before and I didn't get a good high, it just made my stomach cramp. Last night, my girlfriend and I decided we'd take some mdma and go to a club. We took it (and I can't even remember the time today) and went back to dancing. About 30 minutes later, it suddenly hit me and the high was very, very intense. The club was packed, house music was playing and there were lazers everywhere. Almost immediately, I had to get off the dance floor as I started feeling dizzy and extremely hot.

We went to the bar and I tried to balance but I just couldn't do it. I sat down on the floor and started sweating profusely. Within seconds I was dripping with sweat and my hair was really wet. My friend bought me some water that I immediately kept putting all over my body to cool myself down. I tried to tell myself that the high was just too intense for me and I needed some time to adjust. But, it only kept getting worse.

The music, the people, and the lazers was all far too much. It was pounding in my head and all I could think of was getting home. I just needed to get out of there. I guess my friend could tell I was getting worse so she decided to take me outside for some air. This is when it got even worse. I suddenly started to feel sick to my stomach. I barely made it outside before throwing up everything I'd eaten that night. We back inside and I suddenly got extremely, ice cold. We found a quiet spot to sit down but the music was pouding in my head and kept feeling nauseated. We went back to the bathroom where it took me about 5 minutes to throw up 5 more times. After this, I went to coat check to pick up my coat during which time I felt like I was lying in snow. So, so cold!!

I got in a cab but during the ride home I felt pretty disoriented. So disoriented that when we pulled up to my street where I've lived for 5 years, I couldn't even recognize the area properly. It was difficult walking to the elevator and then to my apartment but I made it. When I looked in the mirror my eyes were wide open. It was really weird. As if I was looking at a ghost or something. I couldn't relax them and make them normal. Light was extremely bright (even the dimest) and I felt very sick. I had to actually make myself throw up because I knew it was coming but it would take a bit. As soon as I got started I threw up probably 6 or 7 times. From about 3am until 4 or 5 I was awake. I lost consciousness a few times until I woke up at 7am to realized I'd fallen asleep. I slept until 11am when I finally felt better. Not 100% but significantly better. I could stand up straight and I didn't feel like dying.

Throughout the night I drank a decent amount of water in an attempt to get the mdma out of my system. I think the water only made me feel worse but I didn't want to get too dehydrated. I was freezing one minute and hot the next.

I've been thinking today, is it an allergic reaction or what? My friend took the same stuff and she had the best high of her life. We did smoke a very little bit of weed a couple of hours before that but then my friend should have had the same reaction if it was a combinaiton of things. Who knows. I know though, I'll never again be taking mdma.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 68537
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 7, 2021Views: 819
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), Club / Bar (25)

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