Spiral Erowid Zip Hoodie
This black mid-weight zip hoodie (80/20) has front pockets,
an Erowid logo on front chest, and a spiral design on back.
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DOI 18mg (6mg IV)
Citation:   Kamikaze. "DOI 18mg (6mg IV): An Experience with DOI,diazepam,GBL,lithium (exp61556)". Erowid.org. Nov 5, 2008. erowid.org/exp/61556

This report is in the Cellar.
Cellar reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall
below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports
(or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).
This is Kamikaze-Hum^,i am almost 23 years old male,62kg and 177cm.In my past i have done lots of drugs,
i have tested over 50 different substances.Including DXM,tropanes,mushrooms,LSD,pills,
and ganja.My all time favourites have always been psychedelics and delirants,liked DXM too,
but have quitted using it since it started to fuck me up.
This report starts here: i had previously injected silver in tumour kind of formation in my testicle,on fentanyl.
20:49:3mg/ml DOI under the tongue,i will hold it there for a while,then swallow.Then run along to the stash :-)
called Mika,Eeva has been found,i fucking knew it..she had taken the benzo load,now she is going to the
psychiatric ward for suicide observation and face severe concequences,stupid bitch! She could have treated
the opiate withdrawal with just 30mg diazepam.This irritates me,impulsive and infinitely stupid behaviour.
They were on their way to hospital,Mika was with him,i told i would supply him with some benzos later when he
gets home,im quite sure he is pretty stressed after all this! to the stash,to the stash -> go Hum^ run like the
wind! happy now! ^_^~

21:28:Stash retrieved succesfully!When walking i noticed a switch towards my shamanic mode and i started to have the uncont-
trollable burst of coughter,the cough first hits my anahata(chest) like a gong then i feel it deep in my hip bones
and coccyx (swadisthana plexus,connected with testicles) with coughing i am spitting out this mucus,which is not
reqular slime,its the same kind of plasm you purge with ayahuasca,i am pretty fucking sure this is the cancer tumour
coming out,which got its ass finally kicked,take that motherfucker! hahaha ! XD I also noticed that my coccyx area
feels like i have overdone physical workout on the area,which i have not.I also have this thought lingering that i am
going to puke out tonight the last remnants of that shit in my testicle.

21:35.i am getting speedier physically and mentally tuning to my surroundings,also colours getting brighter and edges softe
ning,DOI kicking in.Usually i take something like 10mg diazepam or 25mg chlordiazepoxide before psychedelic experience
but not now,i dont want to dull the come up.I am going to continue to take small sips of wine though.So lets open
the stash package: Ten sky blue beautiful 10mg diazepam tablets in package and 6 partially molten/cracked lousy tema
zepam pills,that i stashed too.I had them with me when i went to mr.X,i was hoping that he would have traded them for
3 clonazepams or something.I really i need to stop smoking,there just is too much tar in my chest,probably from cigars
.feel it when coughing,gonna take h2o2 and silver,it helps a bit.This is worth mentioning,as i started to move to get
the stash,i noticed a MAOi buzz localized in some parts of my body,so i may still be MAO inhibited.

21:49:No further increase in DOI effects,but the silver surely is great! Now i am sipping wine and thinking that am i going
to roll a cigerette,or take a nicotine gum.I think im going to go for cigarette,i have the ultra light menthols that
i roll myself,but tomorrow,i think i will only smoke my morning cigarette to prevent the purge and then switch to 2mg
nicotine gum.Tomorrow equals after sleep,i dont how long DOI is going to keep me awake.

I have done DOI once before,but i had taken 20mg diazepam,4mg clonazepam,then i took 4-5mg DOI and 10ml GHB,the G
downed me for 2 hours,when i woke up i was seeing only tracers and had trouble finding my equilibrium,my friend
threathened to call an ambulance which i did not need,i just needed time to get my self back in one piece since
DOI had kicked in when i was down.I had to escape from the apartment to avoid ambulance = mental ward.When i was
hiding outside for 15 minutes,everything settled for beautiful trip,that lasted for 6 hours,comedown was not nice
it was like psychotic comedown from speed for 8 hours,but i can handle such things.Lets see what happens now.
By the way i was under the influence of maois on the first time and i did not die I have the feeling that this
experience will be much more positive.Since i have my own set and setting now and diazepam to treat the possible
shitty comedown.gonna roll the ultra light menthol cigarette :-) listening to Entropy - purple people.

22:04:All is god,i feel presences around me,observing my choices etc. objects are gaining a little more personality than
normal,but not yet communicating with me or anything.I feel this malevolent clown like personality lingering close
by,i think its the entity that was connected with the tumour in my testicle as observed in shamanic trance.

22:12:I do not know what is going to happen next,am i going to have to face this clown demon that has been sucking my
my balls for years,but i SWEAR that i am going to inject another 5ml of the silver right in the middle of my
testicle without any anelgesics,if thats what it takes to get rid of this hellish thing! The first injection is
working! thats for sure.i think im gonna put the machine to ionize and enrich the silver solution even more,just
in case.Fuck i spilled the can of silver,now my socks are soaked with silver,going to keep them on and i am ionizing
the leftovers,which is plenty for 5ml injection.Fuck it,im gonna inject the 5ml right now and get it over with!
sterilized the needle and injection spot with denaturated alcohol,grabbed the testicle and and inserted needle in the
middle of the testicle,it was painless! but as soon as i started injecting the silver i felt this striking pain to
nerve root of the 'old' tumour to my left swadisthana chakra area,i was able to inject 4ml to my testicle,the rest 1ml
i injected straight to my lower stomach where i felt the nerve root connection,that was REALLY painful.But now its
DONE!phew! im shaky..colours seem bright..i think im gonna now take 10mg diazepam.fuck it 20mg and lie down for a while.

22:36:Testicle feels great! But the sacral nerve root really disliked the injection! its painfull,its like a fight is going
on over there and i am euphoric,i feel that i have managed to lethally injure an old enemy that is not unconcious at
all,but has been keeping me unconciuos while sucking energy directly from my balls!Placed needle on the visible place
if further injections are required to remove this completely,i will go as far as i have to,i have shit loads of drugs
and nothing to lose! diazepam surely soon kicking in,sipping wine,rolling cigarette i laugh at the pain in my
stomach,i know that it is neg. suffering there.Reqular people reading this will surely think i am mad,but shaman
will understand.It was a really hardened patch in the stomach where i injected,the kind of which will not bleed if
needle is inserted.Added trombosol salve to testicles to prevent any injection sores from forming.Other one allready
looks like hell,it is much smaller than the other,the skin around it is unnatural with claw like scars like scars on
the skin,so that the skin is white in these clawed areas but no physical scars.then there was that tumour which
got killed by silver! so something strange has been going on down there for years and now i am to stop it!
FUCK NOT WITH ME! for i am pure spirit and i am my own teacher,may god and goodliness govern me,no other force
,no other power for ever and ever,nirvana is true peace,amen!

22:50:Diazepam kicking in,not DOI..well maybe it will take its time,it did work last time! actually i think t.wtf?!
some joker is ringing the doorbell Ananda messaged me that i should go ,-) there was this disoriented middle aged
male preparing for throath surgery,he was on some powerfull meds. i could tell..he asked if we have bowling alley of
gym here in our apartment.I assured that we do not,but there was indeed some shamanic transfer of problematic
energy,so our meeting was beneficial,the man took something bad away from me,which i think they will later cut
it out from him at hospital and throw in the trash where it belongs! hahaha !

23:00: Now i can say that i am noticeably under the influence of DOI colours are bright and i feel these ecstasy like
serotonine pulses coursing through my body.Pain in the stomach is subsiding and DOI has surely not peaked! if has
i am to take more,i want visuals ffs.spontaneus burst of laughter emerging and sense of wellbeing increasing.
ha hahahaha ! XD ..for example my ashtray,it is hilarious! if you think like 'what would it be like to be that
ashtray' full of salt and spit and partially smoked cigerettes!Gonna smoke one right about now.Drank left of the
silver and placed syringe in the closet,no more injections today! my testicle is feeling great,stomach roots not.
Im gonna zap my arms at some point for further ass kicking for negs. but now the cigarette.I am continuously
purging btw. spitting out bad tasting plasm,as a shaman i have the ability to suck out negativity from body parts
but this one is pushing itself out! :-D there is really some serious healing taking place tonight,i have gotten
message from the Ananda and i just got message from Shri Adi Shakti,the divine mother,she said she likes
my style! :)

23:13:DOI effects increasing or should i say starting..disorientation,feelings of comfort and deep sighs like on e:s
everything is pretty funny too..now im gonna roll that cigarette.fuck it thirst comes on the way all the time!
im gonna start chewing the nicotine gum right now.And from now on,only morning cigarette and then nicotine gum.
But,if i do not have nicotine gum,i WILL smoke,even stumps from the ground.I folded four 20mg pills of temazapam
to tinfoil and placed it outdoor on the broom.I called Mika,who was now arriving from the hospital in Kuopio.
He was more than pleased when i provided him with four pills instead of one and promised to give me back four
30mg Opamox(oxazepam) pills,which are much better benzos than those temazepams,which i concider even more useless
than chlordiazepoxidium.Gives me just stupid and angry feeling and they actually piss me off so that i cannot get
even any sleep,and they are supposed to be sleep-aids :D

23:27:I dont know if this DOI is going to hit me or what,i dont really feel much of an effect,its active,but not on the
level i would enjoy.There is nothing psychedelic here,just feel more tuned,little speedy,enchanced colours etc.
it has been several hours since i took the first dose so im going to do more.

23:33:3mg/ml DOI placed under the tongue,gonna keep it for a while,then swallow it.This makes total amount in ingested DOI
6mg which is supposed to hit me pretty fucking hard.since DOI is really long lasting and i am currently under
the influence of it.I read from my papers that dosage for DOI is 1,5-3mg pfft! thats good for nothing says i! ,D
doesnt do anything for me,i would now (morning addon ,) concider starting dose of no less than 8mgs.On my first time
i did 4-5mg:s and had 6 hour trip.So lets see how this 6mg is going to hit me now.i want to see those fucking
visuals! even from dmt i have rarely gotten any and lsd was completely
mental (not a single visual effect) for me.hahaha..my room seems just so funny,i get these euphoric bursts now :D

23:42:Now and the music is not playing,gonna fix that right away.Electric Universe - Blue Planet,i love this record!
Improved the set and setting,everything now is cool and fresh! ^_^ let the DOI come.. I downed handfull of 500mg
vitamin-C tablets,over 5g doses are good for you as it starts donating electrons to any other procecces!
i have myself consumed 50 grams in 24 hour period.

0:02:Euphoric,shaky and smiling,pupils dilating,i can feel it.i messaged my gamma girl that i want strict rules and her
to inform me,if she is SERIOUSLY interested in starting sex relationship with me,or even start dating me,for i like
that girl(but not love her,but i would like to have some company since im pretty lonely here) or does she just want
to pass our previous (first) meeting as one night stuff and forget about it (we didnt have sex).But i have
high hopes because atleast someone called me from her phone and said that she really,really wanted to have sex with me.
But i dont know,i concider that it might have been a prank call from some of her friends.I noticed a strange tone in
the voice of the speaker then ,)

0:08:i am continously chewing nicotine gum at very fast pace and i like it..these amount of DOI are sure to produce jaw
clenching and chewing the gum surely lessens the effect.I feel that im under surveillance of two supreme divine beings
the divine MOTHER and FATHER,they are joking among themselves,about me,because i am living in the ego (uncounciouss)
state.Mother is yawning..i am like their divine son..who is awakening. and deja-vu:s lately are because we are doing
this infinitely over and over again,and now is the DAWN of the pleasant part.lets see...anxiously i wait.

0:?0:Soon getting trails,effects slowly increasing,getting this strange buzz that dislocates my being for couple of seconds
like a wave rushing over me at times.As soon as i switched to nicotine gum my anahata chakra started purifiyng itself.
my shamanic quartz crystal on my chest is vibrating and removing pieces off bad stuff which i spit out.Got a spike of
nausea and puked,but only a very small amount which i believe was vitamin-c.I am really purging,need paper to sniff
my nose regularly and cup with salt to spit and bind this shit that comes off from me! fourth nicotine gum going!
these are only 2mg nicotine,i would normally use 4mg kind,so i just chew these at very fast pace and swallow the
liquids to keep up the spirits.Something visual is forming behind closed eyelids! Female,purple/indigo/hexagon type
patterning,or that it is dealing with these many 4D pieces (deja-vu!) to get them to right order.Well she is gone,
now with closed eyes i see various colours and picture of everything that i can think of.i will now go to lie down
and check out the effects,for these surely are not the full effects yet!

0:49:didnt see a shit with closed eyes,just few waves,then nothing.I notice that some objects in my room are slightly
shifting locations or bending and slight breathing effect on surfaces.chewing that gum pisses me off! im gonna roll
a ultra light menthol cigarette! I have these feeling that these two divine forces are playing with me,for they
have putted me in this state of ignorance,theirs is the mess to resolve,says i the god! :-D lights went out perfect
timing for not allowing me to roll the cigarette :-P i am surely not alone here i know it,my whole 3d surroundings
are just a culisse and a joke,i see them now shifting,but i would really like to see what lies further.stop playing
around with me MOTHER and FATHER!

0:57:I think the DOI is now peaking at 6mg dose,i feel minor euphoria.disorientationt,i feel really tuned in to music
sometimes i get these flashes that i am like warm silver shining liquid dripping somewhere and feeling really good.
trailing is present,i see occasional dislocation of objects,some breathing effect,weird chaotic patterning forming on
the wall,this is interesting,maybe turning off the lights increases the effects.Now i get it! There is a spot in my
eyebrow and by meditating it the visuals flow,otherwise nothing but slight effects ?! atleast not yet

this..who knows about the play of the divine.. well atleast i removed the silver bracelet my mother gave to me,it has
previously been a necklace which had (deja-vu!) my fathers and mothers pictures inside a silver heart.I had the string
as a bracelet and my mother had said that she would really,really appreacete if would keep it on,since if my mother
is the snake of paradise who knows what kind of voodoo magick it may involve,fuck it off it goes :D this stuff seems
just so OLD and USED out.PLeAse :D :D :D

1:31:i still feeling these DOI effects previously mentioned.But nothing blastingly visual,so i am determined to take
2ml more until i see something that pleases me :-D

1:34:2mg/ml DOI under the tongue,i was seeing trailers from the measuring equipment and i am pretty much on DOI allready
but this should really push to the state where I WANT TO BE,otherwise i will concider this chemical useless!^_^

So i have now ingested 8mg of DOI research chemical,it seems that i have been with divine beings for a while now and
lets just see what will happen next! One thing that i know for sure is that i am purging and healing.


and what has happened that my MOTHER side completely hellfucked my FATHER side on purpose with GASOLINE.fucking
benzene goes straight (deja-vu!) to bone marrow and causes leukemia..very nice thing to do to your child also
mother..what say you? mother said : 'beyond vishuddhi there is no concept of right or wrong.that is all that i say to
you now.' This was Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Nirmala Devi.The divine mother kundalini.

My fathers side smiles to me every time i choose to take nicotine gum instead of cigarette.Im getting these genious
thoughts,i contacted X the guy who sold me the DOI and couldnt give even little bit GHB from his own HUGE stash!
I told him that i have taken 8mg of the stuff and this isnt saying pretty much anything really and i want my
MONEY BACK and he should seriously reconsider the dosage and pricing of this stuff as he had planned to sell 3mg/ml
for 15 euros! as equal for one ecstasy tablet.But REALLY i am tripping all the time :D this is some weird stuff..

2:01: Feeling fuzzy and shaky,slight visuals on walls the chaotic,purple..ough-type.no patterning.afterimages,tracers,
i think that i have lost my sense of place and time,but i do not feel so :D the 2ml. boost is supposed to be kicking
in right about now.i met these two alien females that were made of electricity,they came into my nervous system as
electric jolts,carried their audiomental message and left as grounded electrity.My memory is somehow fucked,not because
of DOI but for long time,parts removed..being demented..remember only two days back (deja-vu!) once again i choce the
gum and got the solar smile.There is this some THING this ultimate LIE or something..about to burst! lets see..

0:15? i reqained my conciousness,i was pressing my shamanic crystal to my heart and grounding something out through the leg.
i have no recall of the start of the event and there is pretty much weird stuff happening around me all the time WOW!
i am to position myself on siddhasana in the center of my room at the full light of the SpNa!

2:24 : whoa time really does pass by! :D i thought that i sat for maybe 15min, :D i puked some strange foam from the left
side of my chest.I am now shaky and bit confused about the time loss,i am seeing various characters floating by,Eeva
was one of those i just saw..Eve the first woman :D gimme a break! :D :D :D ROFL.

2:31: I think i have reached the peak of what this DOI can provide me and will not take any more,i will analyze the
material later,for i am still tripping balls!shifts in time and place and loss of time and memory
but this is all like piecing together something that has been broken.

2:43:I am tripping strongly and pleasantly,but simultaneously purging strongly,from the left side of chest and testicle.

3:00:I am going to take 2mg more,i concider myself hardcore and i do not consider this 8mg a HARD TRIP with BLASTING

3:02:2mg/ml under the tongue.10mg total,i have heard people tripping for weeks with these doses :D so this should kick in
5 AM.FUCK IT.2mg more so 12mg total.im going to totally blast myself with this chemical for those visuals,i allready
know that this is therapeutic and i have nothing to fear and i have benzos to sedate me if necessarry 5 AM it is.

3:17:I know im in for hell of a trip so i now start to take 10mg diazepam to relax me per hour,atleast until 5 AM
when its supposed to start to peak!so i take one pill now and another 4AM. I am getting strong messages from
my left FATHER side to not smoke any cigarettes! i had taken my cigarette pouch out once again and planned smoking
and got the smile from choosing the gum.I am tripping allright,but this isnt anything like tripping on tryptamines
that i am previously only familiar with.Well i have now ingested 12mg DOI as my first (noteworthy) phenethylamine
experience.i have never heard that anyone would have actually done such a high dose of this stuff before.
i like it ,) this is like being in multiple locations simultaneously or something and i am seeing familiar female
figurines at the very end of the visionary angle,then when i look straight at them,they disappear,but leave a
feeling and a assuring confirmation that they really are there watching over and supporting me (deja-vu!)

3:38:Tripping,buzzing a lot,brain and all,does good for you,I have this feeling now that someone is trying to reach me
and offer company,comfort and warmt,which i would gladly accept.I felt this as painful pin in my heart. '7,5cm from
the nipple to the left hand' this is reminder for me to later find the location,I feel like i am the son of GOD

4 AM: time for Hum^:s diazepam JEE,JEE!

4:0?: nicotine gum and smile (and wave of actual physical heat from my heart)

there are these space chicks visiting me ! i know ! i saw you,they erase memory marks normally.
i know these girls,both very familiar to me LERI is the name of the other one and the other i do not know
these girls are like teleporting from future to operate me in this time or something like that,they seem
aliens with bright white light carrying them,but both emotional forms are familiar and comforting to me.

4:15:Waiting for the 5AM kick.fuck it im gonna take the rest 3mg right now and dissolve myself with this thing
what i seek i complete egodeath and rebirth experience as avatara of god ofcourse would be the point of
being born again if not that? :-p :-d :-p

4:21:I am seriously BUZZING in a sense of electricity,not in any negative manner <3

4:30:I Zapped the previously inflammated arms,i got visited by the divine mother who healed both of my arms
For a moment i was one with the pure white light,that filled the sick areas to the depth of my bones
and dissolved them away! (Deja-vu!) namoh! namah! MOTHER ALSO WARNED ME NOT TO TAKE THE REST 3MG OF DOI!

4:36:i did not take the rest 3mg of DOI.There is lots of stuff going on and in many times and places simultaneously.
I GOT IT ITS ME THE GOD :D FATHER THE MOTHER,but who the fuck is the SON ? was he not sacrificed in the bible ? :D
just like shpongle said (deja-vu!) 'we can take this huge universe and put it inside a very tiny head,you fold it!'

Solar side messaged: That everything is going by 'the plan?' (deja-vu) and just i will have to TAKE CARE NOT TO SMOKE
SUPPLY YOU,TO NOURISH YOU,TO MAKE YOU GROW! -but r´t(deja-vu!) mother also deceives you sometimes..as the snake.

4:53: I feel like i am practically everywhere :D in the telephones,all around the world :D its me god and all is god !!
hahaha,that mantra cleared my throath chakra,so its not bullshit,even that you now know now that im the god and so are you!
GOD made man as a FIGURE of himself and there CAN BE ONLY ONE.You just need to break the ego to figure it out,love overcomes
ego,MDMA does it for some LSD to others DOI seems to be working..btw ,) and now my neighbors surely think there are some
weird muslims living in this apartment,since i really shouted that allah hu ackbar thing at 5am.

5:05 Now it should be kixing on full,lets see :D i am not going to take any 5AM. diazepam :D
i want to see that does this fucking recearch chemical REALLY work or NOT aHAHAHA @ 12mg DOI atm.

5:13:I feel that there is hair in my mouth all the time and when i cough also hair comes out from there and it is not
my own hair.i know of this sort of occult magick myself.if i wouldnt be forgiving my vengeance would last for decades.
I can locate the source of this easily by following the strings,i will then try to communicate with the entitity
responsible and ask something in return ofcourse for years of torment! Then i will forgive hir,if it appears hostile
i will slash it to fine pieces and burn them with holy fire.

5:15 nothing externally extraordinary seems to be happening so im gonna go lie down and chill out this trip..
i will surely rise up to write and to get more nicotine :D hahaha..i plugged in this cd which i thought is
S.U.N-Project,but it was this Shpongled cd and starting with ' A NEW WAY TO SAY HOORAY!' :DDD
i have been getting but deja-vu:s for days and i just figured that i myself am the god!

5:27:I flushed the previous purging bucket down the toilet,washed the bucket and then filled it with fresh
water and handfull of salt,i consecrated them to the only GOD placed a prayer on it!and by the ritual
i blessed them through father,son and the holy spirit.

5:35: kind of opening i quess..i feel that i am with many people and not by myself anymore <3 head continues infinetely
upwards and there are lots of these symbols each one are exact replicants of each other and i am one of them.
lots supercute anime stuff that i like ^_^ I AM fucked up with some sort of occultism/voodoo
i see lots of razor sharp wires that are like hair going through my etheric body cutting me to pieces
i have known this actually..but it returned to my mind now.there is also continuously coming hair like
i dont know invisible? strings out when i spit and i feel that there is hair in my mouth all the time

5:44:300mg aurorix (300mg moclobemide) down the hatch this if something should blast me out of this old
BUT SINCE I FIGURED IT ALL OUT ALLREADY I WILL BE LEAVING NOW !!! maybe ?? who knows..going to lie down now.
IN THE CASE YOU FOUND MY CORPSE! HAHAHA :,DD READ THIS ONE LOL!!!,in xxxxxxxxx Lappeenranta will get this,since these may
be my last words and she was the one i TRULY loved.(name censored)
X called he was VERY PISSED OFF because of the TXT messages (those lasts for 2 months in records) I said that i have done
the whole fucking bottle of the DOI an it isnt working so give me my money back XD he said that he is going to give me free
DOI there and see for himself if it works or not,i told him that ALL MONEYS BACK OR 40ML GBL will settle this thing out.

im gonna go continue to cease to be :D haha ..

7:32:I dont think im gonna die or anything,was more like taking sauna while phenethylamine sunbathing under natrium light
I think the MAOi addon was POSITIVE since with it we manually managed to build up enough serotonine to some broken
pathways and reconnect them! and on the other hand we also managed to BURN AWAY OLD NEGATIVE pathways.

7:36:as for the DOI it seems to me it is subsiding! much less psychoactive effects now when earlier,still tripping
though..it waves..once you feel you are sober...then you are something digital...then aT? ¤?¤?&¤¤

7:40:back here,definately tripping :D

7:46:I consumed the midstream of my morning urine,because GOD told me to do it.and i dont know,its supposed to be
healthy anyways,since i have read that many japanese people do it very regulary!

7:50:I didnt plan to leave this place,just not yet..too many people to love and too many pranks t0 pull -_^
no! here i have suffered before only and took my role of a trashbag for other peoples mental and emotional
shit.Things are about to TURN OVER,since i have taken 22 years of this shit straight! my whole fucking life :D
'eimillääänpahallamuttakiittivitusti!!' as we would say in Finland in this kind of situation :D

8 AM: SATURDAY ^_^ here I am tripping on 12mg DOI and 300mg Moclobemide (which you are not supposed to take with DOI!)
but what I think is good with DOI if you can manually operate on the nervepathways! like we did here.My pupils
seems to be very dilated at this point,suprise! :D

8:43:GOD placed some improved wiring and etheric nanotechnology to my left ribs,i was one with the white light for a
moment again.

9:01:Still swaying...disoriented..these phenethylamines really fuck you up with MAOI:s :D ...
for a while i have the impression that i have my windows open,i feel the cold breeze coming outside,then i notice that
truly they are closed.I have been listening to music for about 20 minutes now jamming and all and i dont even have
anything playing :D my memory is completely in some other zone,i know my name and all that stuff.but i cannot connect
to any past or future events.

10:01: I am NEO the superuser,as i figured that all is god i can now connect to all the electrical wires,other ppl.etc.
That are but parts of me,i connected directly to my cd player as a test,i could go with the electrical currents
within the microchips within the machine,i can connect to wall jacket and draw energy from it direcly to my spine
etc. This is really something ! eating pine kernels,yum! ^_^

10:18: I called my gammagirl and asked for company,she was sleeping and was ill :) ,p
I knew the call made from her cell phone was a prank,i didnt fall for it ^_^~ yatta!
I asked immediate request for my TXT messages about starting those relationships.

10:28: and HAH HAHAHA AHHA today is my birthday XD XD XD just got two HAPPY BIRTHDAY TXT-messages XD XD XD
hahaha..on the same hour that i was born i was this morning 23 years later about to leave :D :D :D
this is fucking ridiculous! X called he wants tO adminster me DOI there to see for himself if it
works or not.I have plans! ^_^~

11:28: Im still tripping ofcourse but i feel that i could go to sleep without any problems anytime,i am starting to
feel a bit tired actually.I thought these chems really make you stay awake for days and have really long duration
As for the purity and correct measurement of the DOI was PERFECT and done with precise equipment.There is no doubt
that indeed 12mg 99,8% DOI has now been ingested.I am feeling verry good ^_^ but tired..im going to bang open bottle
shampagne and eat couple of diazepams with it,then take a nap and then to see X.

11:38:This kind of wine is supposed to make you drunk really fast,straight from the bottle goes half of the bottle
0,7 i suppose,could be even 1 Liters,who knows? :D i poured a mug full of the stuff too,to the mug my father brought
me from Spain as a souvenier. This shampagne was: Törley - talisman - medium dry sparkling wine - Hungary
This was recommended to me as one of the cheap and really good ones.This one was the perry flavoured ,)

11:46:i dont feel im getting drunk ? maybe the DOI does it fuck it.. im enjoying myself pretty much here right now.

... and i had not made any wishes for birthday present..so this would be it: GOD please give me a girlfriend who i love
and who loves only me,as long as we stay together.Also i want and need sex,i ask that sexual parts in this relation
ship would be completely fulfilled and satisfied by the both counterparts.This is my birthday wish! AMEN !

12:06: no-thing to report !

12:12: i called X he said he will fill the bottle with same amount 16mg FOR FREE!
I NOW c0nsumed 20mg diazepam to appear more normal and i am going to drink the rest
of the shampagne before i leave to X.

12:18:I Am getting serious euphoria from the diazepam and champagne and i am completely chemmed up to the top :D
This will take a while,its really hard to figure out which one of those colours really is my gangsta-hood jacket :D
hmm..going to ..XXXX ?! hmm.. i sense that someone is trying to cheat me,i sense these things!)

12:39:X called me again and i am going there for i quick visite,he will refill my bottle and conciders things settled.

14:19:Back from the X,everything went swift and he refilled me with 15mg:s i think,for free and when i complained and
told its my fucking birthday i managed to obtain 2ML of 99,8% pure GBL.I messaged this girl that i met and told her
that i want her to think about those possible relationship things
with time and clear conciousness with the dating,sex,etc. things. but i have pretty good precognition that it is going
to work out! And that would be good for my friend Romulus^ who has suffered allmost as much i have in this incarnation
he is very jealous about this girl that we both love and has channeled A LOT OF NEGATIVE ENERGY TOWARDS ME,but i
forgive you my friend,for i know that his years of isolation and jealoysness of this one girl has poisoned his
subconciuousness,which produces dreams. he has now seen dreams of me as manifestation of negative being and that Hum^
is a bad person which should be avoided and even told the girl to not meet me again,but the girl is wise enough to make
her own decisions ^_^~ puni puni jani-san! T:Petto-Sama.I am NOT a bad person,i cannot be,that requires polarity!
at least not anymore,im now NEO i got the point - with TRYPTAMINES you are observing things (usually with fear)
as an observer,maybe merging with them at higher doses.But with PHENETHYLAMINES you actually are
the things yourself,you get into them from the primordial core (which is physical bone marrow) you can tune into any
radio frequenzy,listen to phone calls,connect your brain to anything you wish,for you are all that there is
there is nothing outside,that cannot be found inside.(Later addon this girl we both wanted has now started a new
relationship,so maybe romulus would please start channeling his jealous negativity to her new boyfriend instead of
here! ARIGATOo! :-P :-d :-p

I have successfully connected my central nervous system to telephone wiring and 220v norm. finnish
electical wall outlet,cd player which i could have controlled if i would for example wanted to change a track.
tryptamines ,D bah..they just tease you and make you have unnoticeable psychosis for years! Ayahuasca is good
though for rinsing the intestines,I prefer Juremahuasca,with harmala and iboga alkaloids included with 300mg Moclo
bemide,when the VERY
expensive Tabernanthe Iboga rootbark is not availible,i use voacanga africana rootbark as substitute.which may
interest ,) other shamans my dear friend Romulus^ for example.I know that you dislike everything non-organic
but i suggest that you should check out DOI trip experiences and all..because only phenethylamine we could
get for you would be psychoactive cacti and those are really scatty and produce lots nausea,like drinking gallons of
cold sperm ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D, ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D

14:55:I am currently on 12mg of doi,i am tripping balls all the time.natrium light spontaneously illuminated! :D yatta !
sometimes it goes off and then turns on again,my personal 1000w SUN <3 it really makes me happier,correct
light spectrums definately produce serotonine in your body,no doubt! I connected to my SpNa light :D
i really felt its electricity in my teeth and i went trough the cable to the E40 plug,there seems to be slight
connection malfunction in the cables,will check them out later..

15:17: my SpNa is 'zapping' every once in a while,i feel the every zap in my body and nervous system,more like that i am
myself inside a much larger 'system' which i can connect into if i wish.. lets just see,im kinda tired allready
and i have atleast 20mg of the stuff left so no problemo! :D Romulus^ this i would offer you also as a gift
if thee should accept the chemical alternative.This is allready a very researched substance with proven medicinal
and therepeutic value :D semi-legal in Finland atm. it works,no shit,trust me m8! im now on 12mg DOI which is
the largest dose any individual has taken before i guess,and im ok.i can work with society just normally,but
im all around them,in the wiring,in their veins,the stuff they buy from store are pieces of me :D so be it !

15:26: still tripping,i would like to take more but i will not,until i have slept,for i know everything that there is to
know about DOI.I would concider myself as a pharmacist/laboratoriant with 6 years of studying of neurochemistry.
But i am also slight more advanced in my own methods which 'national healthcare of whattafuckitisXD' does not agree
with,even when there are evidence and many,many successfull self treatment reports availible! Cancer has never been
an incurable DIS-EASE,but an environmental and nutritional DIS-EASE,DR.Beck`s machinery removed most of
my cancer in just couple of months you can order these in finland at: www.synerki.fi otherwise you will have to
google for Silver Pulser.In here you cannot even get h2o2 IV in hospital,from ozone they have never even heard of it,
you just have to IV yourself.h2o2 is a miracle when injected to bloodstream,but i would prefer the hospital drip
if i had a choice.

15:35:This DOI is EXCELLENT for treating leukemia and removing benzene for example from bone marrow,for this substance atleast
at these doses allows you to really go INTO things as i have mentioned before,when you go in your own bones you
start emerging from the very core of the whole thing which is essential for pushing out benzene and other shit,then
you will spit or puke it out and definite solvent fumes are in the air when purging!

150:I am getting tired,still tripping,but lacking energy,i was thinking that maybe i would take some more MAOi:s since
they were only for good last time i took them,But now on the smaller dosage level to keep up serotonine
levels and pep. me up a bit.

15:53:150mg aurorix and 2g vitamin-c down the hatch.I sensed something negative about the newly aquired DOI and the GBL
syringe so i threw them into the bucket of holy water,with prayers and concecrated salt,that if someting draws out all
negativity.Usually when i sleep,i keep the bucket at feet side of my bed,so my cords go through the solution,while
i rest,this relieves one of nightmares,sleep disturbances and sleep paralysis (note that if you are taking any chem
ical medicines for these troubles they may actually be WORSENING your condition or keeping it from subsiding,they
are designed like that for purpose.Clean bucket of fresh water with handfull of salt (preferrably concencrated to GOD)
will alleviate all these symptoms in one week without any medicines.and YOU ARE SUPPOSED to say heartfelt prayer over
the water and ask that all negativity from,you,your surroundings etc. are drawn and grounded there IT WORKS TRUST ME!
In the serious attachment cases you need to slice several cloves of garlic into very thin slices and place them
on two plates,one one the head side and one on the foot side of the bed.Garlic socks are quite popular here where
neg. levels are pretty high.Garlic contains Sulfur - which is extremely detrimental to any kind of negativity
It is one of the four magical elements,other one is SALT,other two i will not tell you ,) Also in the morning one
should flush the water and garlics down the toilet and rinse the bucket and repeat the ritual.

16:33:still bit tired,still tripping,but not hardcore,no negative maoi effects noted,hungry,made the usual:
vegetable balls,spinach pancakes,and that salad which is very good for you ^_^ with HEINZ HOT ketchup (HOT IS

16:45: ate 10mg diazepam with food.cant do any bad i suppose,no partying here..just waiting for friends to get themselves
together.I my self am seeking a bit more relaxed mode for moderate rest,since i have just eaten and i am tired,not
tripping balls anymore,but still definataly tripping! Aurorix didnt pep. me up or seemed to to really give any
desired serotonine kick.

18:25:aquired a small shot of 32% alcohol from roommates friend - yeti loves to drink schnaps too so hes like a real shaman.

20:20:My roommate is having kind of starter party,they will be leaving soon.I am to take 40mg temazapam,one beer and just
a bit of GBL to sedate me :) i will report whats up right in the waking period ,)

21:10:1 beer,40mg temazepam and 1ml of PURE GBL did not grant me sleep.Only slight headache..i have not been tripping per se
for few hours now..now i started to think that i seem to have unnaturally high tolerance level to the DOI that
what would it be like to IV DOI :D this is probably not a good idea..but see for yourself,until the morning if i
have not gotten any sleep,it will be done.Neutral information based on FACTS.
21:24:Preparing to inject 3mg DOI directly in to my bloodstream,sterilizing all equipment with denaturated alcohol.
also the injection spot.I am going to place a band to my arm now to make veins visible.i think this will be
great and i actually first was going to inject more,but 3mg/ml must be enough.Considering that i should be on 12mg
allready XD i boiled the DOI/batterywater solution in spoon to be sure it is sterile.2,5ml liquid in the syringe
after boiling,that i am to shoot,thumbs up ,) going now ->

21:58: 1,5mg/2ml DOI IV:d,i first accidentally skinpopped the 0,5ml then,switched location and injected the rest 2ml very
slowly into my bloodstream.We are on the new grounds here.Did not provide any immediate effect,i think i need to
massage my arm a bit and hold it upcide down for a while.

22:04: kicking in yes,strongly no.i should have injected the 5ml.i am probably going to inject another 3mg in few hours.

22:42:prepering to inject another 3mg/2ml boiled solution.first one is not coming up any faster than with oral consumption.
but im pretty sure it went to vein,for i felt the solution immediatly on my wrist veins after injection.

22:53:No sleep after 12mg+6mg DOI,several sedatives have been taken on the course of the day,not feeling really tired anymore
even though at one point i took 3mg melatonin.So i have Injected 6mg DOI directly into my bloodstream,no immeadiate
rush effects,but im definately feeling it coming up ^_^~

22:56:X called me,he said that he had boiled a perfect patch of GHB,we chatted for a while on the phone..

22:58:Its practically still my birthday for 1 hours :) im gonne take the rest 1ml GBL now as a general dopamine booster.
So it seems that DOI does not allow you to sleep much,i can deal 1 week without sleep if i am provided necessary
tools for the relaxation of the neo-cortex at least twice a day.

23:06:now the injected DOI starts to work,it went to brain and turned on two less used parts :)
i was in there myself too.I hope this injection of DOI really allows the substance to reach the very depths of my
body and nervous system,for this stuff is medicine for me <3

23:17:Now working as it would if consumed orally,i think,maybe a bit harder..but i would prefer and recommend oral dosing,
For there seems to be not much point mainstreaming DOI,since it does not seem to provide any immediate effects,rush or
anything like the types of you who IV speed and opiates would seek.But if you like MDMA maybe you could try this DOI
as a substitute 6mg should be comparable to 120mg MDMA on normal individual.

23:24,seeing diamonds and crystal angles :)

23:25:pupils not fully dilated,but dilated yes.I am seeing chaotic DOI patterning with open eyes,only mildly though on
the wall.My thoughts are becoming visible,i am starting to tune in and i am seeing lots of purple indigo colours
and anime girls which i really like in my visuals.these are like thoughts entitities,becoming visible,they are
independent of me,so that i can communicate with them as any other entity,but these seem not very complicated
patterns,more like emotinally charged thought currents and the emotional charge makes it astrally visible behind
closed eyelids :) i really like this stuff ! :)) gonna go lie down..

0:01 Now im gonna roll the ultra light menthol cigarette :) no smile from father this time,but he already knew i was
going to smoke it so.. rinsed the one DOI bottle and drank that too 0,5mg maybe..doesnt count at this point.

0:05 several 500mg vitamin-c tables down the hatch,cant do any bad.There was probably Lidocaine left in the cap when
i rinsed the DOI bottle,since my upper lip is going numb :P smoked my cigarette,it was not that good.gonna continue
with nicotine gum.DOI isnt working very strongly,i dont know..maybe it will kick in later when it has triggered some
neurochemical processes.But i dont feel any different than before injecting 6mg more.And these are quaranteed exact
doses of this chemical.Others get crazy kicks from just 3mg.Hmm..makes me wonder.i want to get inside everything
go in the wiring again and that stuff :)

00:20: gonna take 5mg diazepam just for fun.

00:24: im bored,nothing interesting happening :(

00:25:Yawn,maybe im gonna take 1tsp. harmala,6mg melatonin and 15mg diazepam more since i spitted out accidentaly
most of the last one.This is my best combo for rest that i can think of.lets see does it work out :)
also it will be interesting to see what happens when harmala meets DOI :)

0:30 chewing them all together.
0:35:swallow.great saturation of mouth with betacarbolines.So at 1AM these should be working,gonna put on some nice cd
and go lie down with light out.Will rise to report anything noteworthy.

6:43:Sunday,ok now im not having too much fun anymore because i cant sleep,i have been awake for about 3 days now?
I can last this final day,then on monday i have money on my account,i will buy a large bottle of rum and drink it to
put me down.1 took my final 1ml GBL in h2o2 solution,which messed up my stomach mostly.no other effects noted.
Going to eat some cheese which i zapped with silver pulser.

7:12:Hmm..my vision would probably return to normal after i have slept,i like it this way too,not too bad at all.has been
worse for years :p going to eat my last diazepam.smoke a cigerette and put some music on.i will also take aurorix 300mg
and 500mg vitamin-c.pine kernels,fish oil capsule.
7:40 smoking caused immediate painfull spot on back,last time i felt it polluted my swadisthana.eating cookies!

8:29:150mg aurorix,gonna lie down and listen to music,tired,starting to feel burnt out,feeling cold.I have 1500mg lithium
here also,but not really at that point yet that i would concider taking any :p

8:37:80mg lithium down the hatch!

14:46: wow! managed to sleep,slight headache which should subside soon 300mg aurorix and cigarette.

16:59: ate spinach pancakes,listening to music,spna light on,smoked 2 cigarettes then switched to gum,boiled a pot
of green tea.I am feeling still a bit tired,pupils are normal,but otherwise i feel fine.There is still some
visual blur,i think? but it is subsiding.I feel like im out of serotonine,this day is for rest i think.
I will definately do DOI again,i will start at the 8-12mg range and maybe combine it with small amounts of
maois and maybe brugmansia.The Maoi+DOi effect reminded me a lot of tropanes (i did Pilsenkraut for one week str8)

17:07: i dont know if lithium if is good for me,but im going to take 100mg now.Going to smoke a vanilla cigar,
with filter taped on it.

17:13:didnt give much tar and taste was good.Lets call friends.

17:40:Lithium seems good,very soothing effect.Friends at Lappeenranta answered and i told i will be arriving tomorrow bearing
gifts (DOI) I probably am not going charge them anything for it,since i myself got it free and they will be offering
me ganja and maybe benzos.I will start packing for my trek.I will boil syringes and needles properly in salt to avoid
passing any germs to my friends and i will also boil the glass bottle and cap which im to put the DOI in after determi
ning how much i have left.The syringe i IV:d DOI with i threw among the trash after bending the needle.DOI 7mg
in another bottle.DOI 4mg in another.Makes 11mg left.I will give 6mg to Jussi,And 5mg to Leri.

18:30:Lithium seems great for wiping out the after effects,at these doses no negative side effects are noted,this is the
second time i have taken this substance.It gives me peaceful,meditative state of mind and ability to relax completely
i also noticed that when it goes to brain i hear these small popping sounds inside and it seems to change some ionic
polarities and everytime it happens i feel better.I am going to take 40mg more.

19:12:I now notice this foaming effect in my stomach,at the exact site where i previously proceeded to inject silver,this
started when i took more lithium.I took a shower,aired my room,put on some light and fresh clothes,proceeded to change
water in my bucket and dragged my bed clothing,blankets,pillows etc. to balcony for some refreshment.I then rubbed
my whole body with this herbal relaxant ointment,which is supposed to increase bloodflow and hasten recovery of
stressed muscles.Active incredients: Peat extract,Brassica Oloifera,Angelica Archangelica,Filipendula Ulmaria and
Juniperus communis.Seems nice.I feel almost very good now.I also took one pill of Rhodiola Rosea.Chewing gum,if i
smoke i feel that hole burns to my back straight away and i start leaking energy and i also feel that there are these
hair like strings in tobacco.I have also found human and animal hair in ganja,mostly hashish.Also one of my kratom
packages had lots of black hair in it.The hair in ganja,becomes visible only with very close observation,hair in
the kratom was physical,hair kind of strings in tobacco are 'invisible' cannot be perceived without astral sight,but
they can be felt easily.And these strings are razor sharp,they cut even your thoughts into pieces,i have witnessed
this.Also memories and emotions can be cutted into pieces with these and be removed from you,this has happened to
me many times,just as you are about to figure out something great,then zip! and you have forgotten the realization.
Seems like this 3D matrix is constructed of nothing but pieces of little bit of everything,with normal waking concious
ness as in maya,you do not perceive these things,but when you tune your brain into higher frequenzy and dilate your
pupils so that you can see infrared and ultraviolet spectrums of light,these things become visible.DMT and DOI has
provided me this ability for a while now.No other substances.DOI was much more clearer than DMT.And if you have holes
in you that leak energy,it seems they can be blocked with folded aluminium foil,taped on the area.It is scientifically
proven that aluminium as we call it here in europe,truly provides minor faraday cage effect and for sure it blocks
radiation and frequenzies like lead,if there is enough of it.You dont notice any effect,if you do not have an actual
hole leaking.

20:22:Damn,my zapper has stopped its functions completely,i have to mail it to maintenance tomorrow.

End of transmission.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61556
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 5, 2008Views: 1,874
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