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Control of Physical Body
Citation:   York of Zeef. "Control of Physical Body: An Experience with Dreams (exp53397)". Erowid.org. Jun 16, 2006. erowid.org/exp/53397

I was sleeping and having a dream of my 4th Grade class (the one I currently attended). Nothing unusual was happening, the teacher was instructing the kids and we were all gathered around her on the carpet. Somehow I realized it was a dream and became fully lucid. I felt trapped (as I always do when realizing I’m lucid) and tried to wake myself up.

As my fear intensified, vines and roots began to engulf the classroom in my dream. My wake up attempts failed and I wanted to go to my parents room so they could wake me up. (Note: as for my field of vision, I'm still in my vine engulfed classroom.

I will all my strength and energy into moving my physical body in order to go to my parents room. Lifting my arms was incredibly hard and took a lot of effort -- my arms like concrete. I actually managed to get up and walk about 4 feet to the mirror located above my dresser. (note: field of vision is still of viney classroom, though it becomes more vague and eventually becomes epileptic flashes of bright colours and pictures). My vision eventually focuses into a new scene: I'm standing in front of the mirror, but my head is that of an iguanas. I then wake up and I'm standing up in front of the mirror but my angle is off to the left about 40 degrees.

I don’t know what this is called (if anything), since it don’t fit the category of a lucid dream or an out of body experience.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 53397
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 16, 2006Views: 5,052
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Dreams (85) : General (1), Alone (16)

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