Seemed to Not Affect My Trip at All
Mushrooms & Fluoxetine
Citation:   JokerToker. "Seemed to Not Affect My Trip at All: An Experience with Mushrooms & Fluoxetine (exp51676)". Mar 2, 2021.

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10 mg oral Pharms - Fluoxetine (daily)
  1.75 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Beautiful Mushrooms

This is a report of my experience with Mushrooms along with prozac. Since I have been diagnosed with depression I have been talking 10mg dosage of Prozac for 2 months with no effect that I can feel of. I am 16 years old and currently in high school. Almost got expelled because of my drug problems. 15mg of xanax to be exact and later failing a UA for weed. My drug experience has been weed, xanax, valium, percocet, codiene, ultracet, adderall, weak mushrooms, and liquor. Hope I am not forgetting anything. So I havn't been able to smoke weed or do pills for a while because I am constantly getting drug tested which is pretty annoying but Hey, you deal with the mistakes you make right? So anyway my friend is getting shrooms that have come from Maine which he claims to be 'bomb as shit'. The price is 50 an 1/8th which is fucking outrageous but I havn't done shit in a month and might as well dish out some dough for some good shrooms, considering I was in the mood to trip.

He told me to eat 1.2g's because I am a small dude but I said fuck that and ate half the 1/8th. Surprisingly these tasted very good and not like shit like I am used to. I finished eating at about
10:45. Within 15 mins I was already able to feel small effects and realized this was going to be a good trip.
11:15. My vision was extremely distorted and the wood grain on my desk seemed to be very wavy and swirling around. My body buzz was extremely nice and I couldn't stop laughing at the TV show Drawn Together which I previously hated.
11:30. I was staring at a Virgin Mary card that I got from a funeral and marveled at the light rays coming from her hands and the halo spinning around her head. I knew I was tripping hard and I couldn't find it more funny. I was loving every second of it. I decided to go to the bathroom and looking at my fish shower curten they were swimming around and seemed to be enjoying it and I loved it. My pupils were extremely dilated and I could see almost not color.

12:00. I decided to stare at my jessica alba poster and saw her beautiful face distort and tracers come off her hair. I was amazed and wished she was real.
1215. I jumped on my bed to call my friend and saw all the lines on my bed start to jumble and move about. I severely enjoyed this and was laughing as I left a message on my phone. When I closed my eyes and put my head on my arm I felt my head sink into my arm and the bones fuse with my skull. I was shocked and amazed at this but I still didn't try this again.
1230 I was talking all kinds of what I percieved as philisophical shit to my friends that I was told made absolutely no sense. I forgot their names and asked such things as am I a drug addict, and did I recently get suspended. The answers were yes and they surprised me.

2:00. I lost track of time talking to my friends and staring at the wood grain on my computer for about an hour until I deicded to get up and watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas because I was convinced that I would be able to understand it. II ended up getting into a comfortable position and fell into my thoughts for about an hour while half watchin the movie. I turned off the movie at 3 so I could go to sleep.

430 is when I finally fell asleep because the shrooms kept me up. I didn't even know that Prozac could affect the trip and it seemed to not affect mine at all. When I ate 4 grams of shitty shrooms it was nothing compared to this 1.7. Tomorrow I will eat the rest of my shrooms without prozac when I go to school to see if there is any effect.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51676
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Mar 2, 2021Views: 55
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Pharms - Fluoxetine (80), Mushrooms (39) : Depression (15), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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