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Gotta Be Q.C.I. or I'm Just Wasting My Time
Citation:   Q.C. Zoomers. "Gotta Be Q.C.I. or I'm Just Wasting My Time: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp45380)". Jul 31, 2017.

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0.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Queen Charlotte Island Magic Mushrooms

Usually one gram is a little too much if I want to interact with other people, half a gram is great for parties and dances.

Half a gram is roughly equivalent to one or two hits of acid, with very similar effects, objects break into shapes and move around, I see 'tracers', colors are greatly enhanced, uncontrollable laughter for two or three hours at a time is not uncommon, time is greatly distorted, I may think two or three hours have passed where in actuality it's only been five minutes. The effects generally last 4 to 6 hours.

If Q.C.I. mushrooms are taken frequently over a period of weeks or months I find that I can never again get high from other types of mushroom, as is the case with me, it's gotta be Queen Charlotte shrooms or I'm just wasting my time. It's hard to find Q.C.I. mushrooms outside of northern British Columbia, the Haida Indians there are very protective of the mushrooms, most of which grow on their land.

Exp Year: 1982ExpID: 45380
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 31, 2017Views: 216
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