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Shadows and Corners / Smacked
DXM (with CPM)
Citation:   Gigi & Alabama. "Shadows and Corners / Smacked: An Experience with DXM (with CPM) (exp4297)". Dec 24, 2001.

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360 g oral DXM (pill / tablet)

First of all, a warning to all first time users. Many of the reports we have read have made Dex out to be some sort of psychodelic trip
drug. IT SIMPLY ISN'T. Don't do this drug, (in large doses) if you don't want to be (and the only word for it is) SMACKED.

We have done this drug in a series of different settings, forms, and quantities. One bad experience was spent vomitting on a street corner
off of Robitussin DM, after drinking about half of the bottle. There is a 'puke-agent' in the Robitussin, so I beg of you: DON'T EVER

The better forms of Dex come in pill form that you may buy at your local pharmacy, (i.e. K-MART, WALLGREENS or RITE-AID) such as Coricidin
Cough and Cold and also Drixoral, though its hard to find (usually only found in Canada.)

Our best experience was together and some more excellent advice for this drug is DO IT WITH A FRIEND, someone you love and trust, has Dexed
before, and/or will be able to handle it.

We'd taken some bunk ecstasy pills the night before called YIN-YANG, though we'd never heard of it before. We bought it at a club in a
state of desparation. We took one each, (not a lot for people that roll a lot) and waited near the speakers for the euphoria to kick in.
As we listened to the bass mixed by one of the DJ's we'd been waiting for all night, we noticed our liquiding skills, (i.e. dancing skills)
weren't getting any better. It had been two hours, 4AM, we weren't feeling anything yet, and we were tired. Basically, we said fuck it and
went home to our apartment and fell asleep.
Fast forward...Next night, with nothing better to do and as a favor to a friend, Gigi and I went to a house party with a bunch of stupid
high-school lushes as the typical guests. We needed something hard to survive the agony of such a setting to spend a Saturday night. AH,
DEX, the perfect escape drug. If you need to get smacked, there is nothing better than Dex to do it for you. We rounded up two big glasses
of water, plopped ourselves down on an available couch and began downing the glossy red pills. Gigi took 14 Coricidin because, after all,
she was an experienced user, having ROBO-TRIPPED at least twice and pill-tripped many-a-time. I, however, having a very low tolerance for
all such drugs, took 12.
We sat, listening to the not-so-soothing sounds of the SEX PISTOLS while we watched the pseudo-punk high-schoolers take swigs of Jack and
smashing beer bottles, screaming and laughing each time. We were maybe the only two girls there and certainly the only party-kids, (ravers)
there. I felt drowsy and comfy on what seemed like a plush red velvet couch and rested my head on Gigi's comfy lap. Soon there-after, my
body was heavy and I was only half in this world and Gigi was my cocoon. I was completely oblivious to the screaming fools all around me
until I felt the weight of an arm on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to find an obnoxious boy asking me if I was okay, repetitively. 'She's
fine,' Gigi told him, 'She's just...SMACKED.' Yes, that I was.

I was very decisive about where the good and bad energy was and decided that our whereabouts in the room were NOT good energy. So Gigi took
me on a walk, a slow walk, down a long distorted hallway into a room with a bed as well as no people, which definitely contributed to its
'good energy' aspects. We collapsed into the bed and sunk into eachother's arms because it seemed it was the only thing to do. Shortly
after Gigi explained that it wasn't hitting her very hard and she needed to take some more. She finished off her box of Coricidin, taking
the last two red pills and making her dosage an even 16.

There weren't any 'trippy' images to be described at all at that point. As soon as the Dex hit her, our roles seemed to have reversed and
it was me holding her in my lap, stroking her hair, and waiting for someone to harrass us so I could protect her. Finally, the attackers
barged into our haven and interrogated us with the same pointless question: 'Are you okay,' 'Is she okay,' 'Are you guys okay?'
AAARRRGGGHHHH. 'She's fine, SHe's okay, I'm okay, We're okay. We're just smacked.' The only reason I can think that they kept badgering
us was because they were drunkin' fools or they thought we were freaks on heroine. It finally came to this: two smacked girls, trying to
scream orders at them, 'Please, just leave us alone. Go away...' but the screams just came out as groans, which I think, must have scared
them because they finally left the room and we were alone at last with only traces of bad energy left on the side of the room with the door.

It felt like hours and hours had past and neither of us were sure if we'd been sleeping or not. I tried to tell Gigi, who was holding me
now in her lap, how it felt like I was in a different universe, but the words, again, came out as groans. But she nodded at the moans I
uttered because she knew. She knew because she too was in this other universe; she too was SMACKED.

There are too many instances of the night to possibly describe all of them, but eventually our host, one of my good friends felt sorry for
us in the state we were in and lead us to her mother's unoccupied bedroom. The room was dark and mysterious and the enormous bed was our
new home. We plunged into it and continued in our state of obliviousness, still not sure if we were asleep. We cuddled and held our
stuffed animals, (yes, they are teletubbies). The room was black with no traces of 3-dimensional objects outside of the bed and the only
thing I can think to describe the settings is 'shadows and corners.'

At one point I remember Gigi whispering something to me in a desparate voice and she was gone, but not before taking about 6 minutes to
'walk' out of the room. I say 'walk' because what she was doing was certainly not like any walking I've ever seen. She was wearing big,
(BIG) pants and sort of tip-toing with hugely tall steps, her knees reaching her stomach every step. Yet while she was doing this, she was
going less than a mile an hour and the slow-motioned walk was a sort of mouse dance, with the precision of a ballet dancer. I explained to
her later what she looked like and she recalled that she wasn't sure if she was walking normally, but she thought she was.
What seemed like an hour later, after thinking about it for some time, I managed to gather all my strength and emerge from the bed on a hunt
for my lost friend. I don't think I did the 'mouse-dance' walk, but I can't be sure. Down the long corridor again, I came upon a series of
doors which I decided Gigi was NOT behind, so I continued and found the room in which our adventure had begun. Nirvana was playing,
(although I found out later, Nirvana hadn't played that night at all) and I managed to ask some of the drunken fools where Gigi was.
Somehow I found her in a bathroom I'd never seen before. I sat beside her next to the toilet and saw what she had come to this bathroom
for. The walls were a glistening white and the room screamed CLEAN. It was the only room in the house that wasn't black and fuzzy and
dirty in some way. She told me that she needed to be in this room because it had 'good vibes' and I agreed. She also told me how proud of
herself she was because she hadn't thrown up, as she'd intended to do, after taking 16.
Later, when we were back in our black universe of the bed, we were cradling eachother in still limbs and realized our bare sweaty feet were
dancing rhytmically together in a sort of repetitive motion. If you've ever done 'e' you know what this feels like. The idea struck me all
at once and I realized that the ecstasy we hadn't felt from last night was kicking in with the Dex. You might not believe me but I've
rolled enough to know that the feeling was definitely ecstasy. We held eachother closely and in what words we could actually say, confessed
our heart-felt love for one another. It was incredible. There we were, two almost dead girls in a bed that was the only thing that existed
in a black universe holding eachother. We couldn't move anything but our feet.

Throughout the night people would flee in and out of the room, and because we weren't 'SMACKED' anymore, only very very fucked up, we told
them if we could stay or leave, (DEX is a very decisive drug. Either something has good vibes or it doesn't and the things that have bad
vibes MUST be destroyed.) Two of our drunkin' friends, we decided, had very good vibes and we made them get in bed with us and cuddle. I'm
sure they thought we were out of our minds, but we didn't care, they had good energy and we loved them.

Basically, the 'trip'(if you can call it that) lasted for about 10 hours. 6 of these hours were spent in a complete state of 'smackedness,'
and rest very fucked up. I was constantly trying to think of a way to describe the experience while I was drugged and finally explained it
felt that I was home in a strange lost world trying to find something that I kept losing or forgetting on my mission. I later compared it
to the movie 'DARK CITY' because thats exactly what DEX is like only much more distorted.

The next day was a total nightmare. We could not talk expressively and kept referring to ourselves as 'CRACK-WHORES' because thats the only
way we could describe our state of appearance and feelings. CRACK-WHORE. CRACK-WHORE.
Dex is a great 'getting smacked' kind of drug. Don't do it if you're expecting some life-altering sort of psychodelic trip-drug. Its not
that at all. If you need to escape, completely escape, for one night, DEX is for you. We love it, sometimes. Its not something you can do
often. For about a week after the 'trip,' your pupils will be anything but normal. They'll go from being non-exitant to covering your
entire iris, and all at random times. In the week following, both of us experienced flashbacks, one very unpleasant experience in a math
class where I couldn't subtract 9 from 16 and finally decided that the answer must be 3. My math teacher is still questioning why i am in
his 'honors' class. However the rest of the flashbacks were relatively harmless.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 4297
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 24, 2001Views: 755
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DXM (22), Chlorpheniramine Maleate (164) : General (1), Large Group (10+) (19)

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