Dosed 20 Years Ago and Still Feel It
Citation:   Droogie. "Dosed 20 Years Ago and Still Feel It: An Experience with LSD (exp41209)". Apr 19, 2018.

2 drops oral LSD (liquid)
It was 25 years ago, but it could have happened yesterday! Cold outside, snow on the ground (like today) I was 15 years old, terrible high school student. Drinking alot and smoking way too much weed on a daily basis. Jim Morrison was my hero, I had a beautiful girlfriend coincedently named Paula who was completely subservient. I loathed authority and rules.

Paula and I went to a party at a mutual friend of ours. This guy throwing the party was cool as shit! Always had weed, knew alot of people, he was hispanic and the music was bumpin. Lotsa people I knew were there we were drinking Bud from a keg, smoking weed, great time!! Not drunk yet, maybe stoned, I return from a looooong piss outside with various stops on the way inside to talk with other fellow partiers. Finally reached my glass of beer and killed it. About ten min. Later this girl we all knew as the Acid Queen comes up to me at the keg and says 'I hope you're not busy for the next 12 hours', then laughs and walks into the crowd.

Right away I knew what she had done, she was known for it. Dosing people`s drinks and food and shit. I had planned on tripping sometime in the very near future but when I was ready, on my own terms with Paula whom I loved dearly. I searched for, and found the Acid Queen about 3 mins later on the porch of the house and asked her if she had in fact dosed me. She laughed and said 'dont worry baby, its pure LSD from the lab' and took out a small amber colored bottle from her purse. I destinctly saw the word SANDOZ and warning labels on the bottle and I remember feeling relieved '. Well if its prescription I guess it cant be that bad'. She said she put two drops in my glass. She normally dosed people with one but she thought I needed more. 'Your gonna thank me for this, you`ll see just stay with Paula, she`ll take care of you.' Then one of those big ass cars from the 70`s pulled up, like an LTD or Caddy pulled up. She hugged me, said she loved me and she was gone.

And thats when I started to feel scared. Should I tell Paula? I didnt know what to do so I made a beeline for the keg and started drinking fast, after about an hour I was drunk and not consumed by the thought of what was about to happen, I was actually thinking that this was bullshit, she never dosed me, when a close friend of mine said ' dude you ok? ' 'what do ya mean'? 'you`ve been chewing on those potato chips for like 10 mins now ' 'I've been eating the chips' I said. 'No. Your just chewing and chewing, Are you ok? ' Thats when it really hit! I kept chewing on that chip puree, but I couldn't swallow, I could feel every little grain, molecule,and density of those chips, kinda like cardboard under a microscope. Where`s Paula? I NEED TO FIND HER, SHE HATES ME, I CANT LOSE HER. I`M WALKING THROUGH THE LIVINGROOM heart pounding, sweating, PEOPLE ARE LAUGHING. ARE THEY PEOPLE? WHAT ARE PEOPLE? EYES, EYES, PEOPLES EYES!!! DARKNESS WHEN THEY OPEN THEIR MOUTHS. WHERE DOES THAT DARKNESS LEAD TO? PAULA`S GONE.... SHE FOUND OUT AND HATES ME... ' DUDE YOUR MY FRIEND, HAVE YOU SEEN PAULA?' 'MAN... ARE.... YOU.....O....K....?

He took me outside to the porch, it was raining, there was a yellow Honda parked down the street, the rain was hitting the car and the yellow paint was running off the car and down the street drain. ' COLD, FROZEN SOLID, I`M DEAD'... Don`t know how long I was sitting there on that porch out in the cold March evening, people came and went and I`m told we talked and that I seemed 'normal'. That must have been some serious facade on my part cuz I remember the humming from the power lines overhead taking me away and my body melting into a sparkling roof shingle I was caressing and thinking about how I was poisoned with mercury fillings and that I was a liar and that (if I live) I will never lie again. And I remember thinking that I stink and that all humans smell bad and that was just the evil permeating from us and how dolphins have no smell.

Well to make a very long trip short, Paula found me and took me home. Guess what? I was two blocks away sitting on some old dudes porch. He was cool enough to figure the party house was where I came from and walked there. Paula was frantic looking for me for what she said was 2hrs. She scooped me up (or what was left of me) and took me home. At my place I didnt want her to touch me I didnt want to be around any human.. She was vile, Evil, and I was above her, (I was special) better then them. LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND (THEY) HAVE NOW ..... FOR 25 YEARS.....

Exp Year: 1980ExpID: 41209
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Apr 19, 2018Views: 1,694
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