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Aced My Test
Citation:   kyle fenrick. "Aced My Test: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp39280)". Nov 1, 2017.

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5 g oral Mushrooms
This one shroom trip I had one time, I was lying in my fuzzy dolphin blanket I got for my birthday from my mom, well when I was 'inside' this blinket, it felt like I was in a huge stadium sized globe, and it was spinning and my body felt like I was spinning and twisting to some hard house, and acid trance choons.


The to tell the story about my first time:

Well I was at school first block and I had asked my friend to get me a $20 bag of shroomz for me. So I got them in first block in german class, 2nd block I was in math, I ate them......fell asleep for exactly 30:00 min. Woke up and I was fucked. When the class ended I was walking in the halls and it looked like everyone was zombies and swaying back and forth [and in this hall there was about 40 - 60 kids in the hallway] like they were one being. Then I had socials 3rd block, first of all my socials studies teacher looked like he was on shrooms too [waved arms around and really got into the teaching], the chalk boards had chalk swirls[brush marks]and they were spinning, and the clock was ticking, it was spinning counter-clockwise towards me, and when we had an oral test when he would read out the question and I thought I was writing it slow and normal [what I was really doing is staring at the teacher, nodding when he made a point, and when he asked the question, I would right the answer down so fast my hand was a blur. I got 100% on this test], and at lunch, when my friend gave me a bite of her cooky, it felt like I could fit someone's head in my mouth[not that one you sick people] and I ate all of the cooky. And after I stayed up till like 10:00 at night,[had taken the shrooms at 9:30 am.] and the burning out feeling I had was the best feeling I have ever had in my life.

And that is why I LOVE SHROOMZ!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 39280
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 1, 2017Views: 213
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), School (35)

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