Pleasant Suprise
Zolpidem & Cannabis
Citation:   the doctor. "Pleasant Suprise: An Experience with Zolpidem & Cannabis (exp35640)". Apr 30, 2018.

20 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I sometimes go through periods where I have trouble falling asleep, and it was during one of these periods that I noticed my mother's boyfriend had a prescription for ambien. They were 10 mg pills and the dosage said 3, but my mother's bf is quite large, so I decided one would be enough.

Knowing nothing about the drug, (a mistake, it's a good idea to research any drug before taking it) I took one at bedtime and fell asleep quickly. I woke up the next morning feeling very rested and not groggy at all.

The next night I decided to take one and read for a little while before actually sleeping. After about fifteen minutes I set down my book and when I stood up to go to the bathroom, I noticed my body felt very strange. I had a slight loss of motor skills and a...well, strange feeling throughout my body. It is a difficult sensation to describe but was very pleasant.

About a week later, I decided this was too good not to share, and acquired four pills. I had told a friend about ambien and we each planned to take 2 pills.

The effects kicked in after about 15 minutes, as expected, and we decided to go for a walk. (Ambien is most definitely not a sit-still drug for me) We walked to a nearby park and decided to smoke a bowl while there. Just as we finished smoking, a car pulled into the park and we freaked out. I'm assuming that the Ambien increased the paranoia that sometimes accompanies cannabis. Both of us were veteran smokers at the time, and knew how to control the paranoia, but we lost it and just started to run to the other exit of the park.

Much to our dismay, when we arrived there, the gate was closed, so we just climbed it. Just as we jumped off, a car pulled in and the driver got out and started wiping the windshield. Both of us thought the driver was somebody we knew, but we were so freaked we just walked by, silent, heads down.

The rest of the night was uneventful, we just walked a little more and then went home.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 35640
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 30, 2018Views: 1,713
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Difficult Experiences (5), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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