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Just a Great Night
Citation:   livinginmaine. "Just a Great Night: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp34916)". Jan 16, 2023.

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unknown oral Mushrooms

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

So it was the night before my best friend was leaving for a long time for a place far away. I had done mushrooms befor, and knew what to expect for the most part. I hade a dose large enough for myself and we were off to our other friends house to pick up the other dose he had and was willing to give to the friend I was with. This friend whome we were going to get the mushroom chocolate was not home, but had told us to just go to his house, and ask his mom for his fleece back that he had loaned him, and the chocolate would be in the pocket. We pulled up the house. All of the lights were off. We either figured that his mother had gone to sleep, or che wasn't home. Neither of us were about to break in justo to get some mushrooms, nor were we about to wake his mom. My friend walked up to the door, and knocked lightly, in hope that maybe she was just watching the television or something of the like. He turned back from the door, and moped back to the car, dissapointed indubidoubly. Suddenly his mom came to the door, and explained that the power had gone out in the wake of a thunderstorm about an hour previous. Score. We headed off to the other side of town to a campsite that some friends were renting in hopes of having a party. We had the mushrooms in the car on the way over. I suggested that my friend eat his right away, whilst I wait at least 10 to 15 minutes, since I had eaten nothing that night for dinner. At the campground, we met the rest of our group who had no luck getting a site. Who would figure fifty or so campsites would be filled on a wet night in Maine? at this point I suspected that my muchrooms would be kicking in any minute, thus I handed the wheel over to a sober friend. I decided that we could go to my house and just hang out there for a while. It's a good thing I wasn't driving, because most of the ride home was spent with my head out the window, enjoying the warm air/clear sky/full moon, a stellar combination. By the time I got to my house I was tripping hard. We had acquired a few people, and in toal it was the four of us. One friend had been doing a little drinking, the other sober, and my other friend and I mushrooms. The sober friend had promised his mom he wasn't going to be doing drugs that night, and I admire him. Someone was on their way to pick him up, so we stayed at my house and waited. I decided to make some really classy drinks in my blender to pass the time, and to help my friend get back off the wagon. I was tripping. We each had a drink after my friend left, and then thried to find something interesting to do. I got a call at about 11, that there was a party accross town again. We had no way to get there though, because we were all pretty incapable of driving, and I like to play it safe. We waited about 30 minutes, when I realized. I was absoluteley in control. I had reached a point of absolute clarity. I felt amazing. We made a pot of coffee, and decided to go out. I got on some really comfortable clothes, and I slipped on my favorite sweater, which I like to wear when I'm on mushrooms because it always makes me feel good. We went out to the car, but befor we drive anywhere I demanded that the car be cleaned, and the mess moved from the inside of the car to the trunk. After the car was clean, I turned the ignition with the key and began to drive off. I got about and half mile away, and then accelerated after a yeild sign, and I herd this metal clanking sound, and realized that I was without my coffee mug. DAMN!, I said out loud, and pulled over the car, my friends confused to the max. I looked on top of the trunk, and ofund my mug, which had slid down from the roof. There was still a full cup of coffee in it. I like to consider myself atheistic, but at that moment I had to thank somebody. I got back in the car, mug in hand, and drove to the party. When we arrived, I was so happy about who was there. Most of my good friends. We stayed there untill 3-4 that next morning, and my mushrooms wore off probably at around 2. I still felt so good even when done with my trip. At one point I remember a freind saying 'man look at your eyes!' It seems my pupils had devoured the brown part, leaving my eyes black and white. At the time it didn't bother me, but when I think back on it it probably should have. The next day I felt like a million bucks. I got up at around 7:30, and got my life organized, completely cleaned my car, and room, did some work that had been nagging my for a while, and the went to work at about 3. Great day. Great night. I also decided to stop drinking, because I didn't like the way It felt when I had one that night. I reccomend mushrooms strongly if you are in a great mood to begin with.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34916
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 16, 2023Views: 54
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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