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2C-T-7 in the Mountains
Citation:   JabberWocky. "2C-T-7 in the Mountains: An Experience with 2C-T-7 (exp3387)". Oct 19, 2000.

  insufflated 2C-T-7 (powder / crystals)
This summer my friend and myself went on a little backpacking trip in the Jemez Mountains. With us we brought a vial of 2C-T-7. I had done it before, but in a moderate dose. This time we decided to do more. After hiking for about a hour in the rain. We found a decent site to camp for the night. So, we gathered wood; started the fire; and divided the powder into two equal piles. I'm sorry I do not know the exact dosage. Anyways, the burning in our noses was horrible so bad that I resorted to snorting water to try and calm the burning. Well, after 15 minutes or so the effects started to take hold of us.

First, there were the beginnings of trails. Each time I would spit the acrid taste from my mouth I would immediately see one or two more spit wads and trails follow the initial one. Then, my muscles began to tense up. It was almost painful on my back. It made me feel like I should just lay doun in the wet grass. The visuals continued to intensify greatly. Including, seeing stars spin and wriggle like each of them were little comets swirling in ther own synchronized orbit around some unseen dark matter or force holding the universe together; seeing the logs burn in the fire, but looking like dismembered horses legs; seeing translucent white and blue beings walking just outside of the light produced by the fire, as well as seeing them walk right up to me; seeing and hearing dogs just outside of camp, frolliking in the surrounding forest; being completely perplexed by our backpacks, they were so confusing to us, it seem as if they were gutted animals full of miscellaneuos and irrelevant things; seeing the tent as some huge gutted animal that we were going to take shelter in.

This is the most interresting part. When the fire would die, the only way to get any task done, like gathering wood, was to pretend we were primitive men. We would communicate by grunting which would make complete sense to us. That is until we invented the word 'fire' and 'god' and other misc. words. After a wile we were convinced that we were actually lost outlaw ranchers. We began to comunicate in Texan and we talked about how we had been traveling the woods for years and how we had to eat the horses to survive (hence the burning horses legs).

Over all it was a great experience, thogh I think I'm going to stick to the Cubensis and the Muscaria.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3387
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 19, 2000Views: 2,643
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2C-T-7 (54) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1)

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