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Weird Shit
Citation:   Titiana. "Weird Shit: An Experience with Cannabis (exp21725)". Jan 4, 2021.

1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Ok so I admit, I'm not the most experienced pot smoker, but I have been doing it for about 4 months. Up until yesterday when I had the most horrible trip ever.

My friends and I had recently bought a brand new bong that had gotten us all nicely baked when we had tried it before. A girl at school the day before came up to me and told me she had some chronic so we decided to go buy an eighth. We drove up this logging road and parked the car and walked out into the bushes a little. I happened to have a really bad head cold and was coughing up a lot of shit.

I didnt really feel like smoking, but I just wanted to try this weed. I took one hit and immediately started coughing really badly. I felt like hell and it was freezing cold outside so I went to go sit in the car. I was sitting there when all of a sudden I heard my friends portable cd player playing. My head started bobbing to the beat of the music, and I looked outside and the leaves on the bushes next to me started turning black. Then these black spots started coming toward me. I freaked out, so I walked back to the guys. I dont know what happened next, but I was holding their hands and they walked me back to the car. I felt like I was in a dream, and sometimes I would wake up from it , but I would go right back in to it soon enough. All 4 of us manage to get in to the car which happened to be mine, and one of the other guys had to drive because there was no way I could.

It was 4:20 strangely enough. We drove down to the dairy queen and I was feeling so so weird. I was still going in and out of this dream like feeling. Only it wasnt a good high. I felt like I didnt want to be in it because I couldnt control myself at all. I wasnt relaxed. My heart felt like it was gonna explode. Time passed so so so slowly. It felt like we were in dairy queen all day long. It was actually only about 20 minutes. My friends faces started doing weird things when I would look up. I looked to one guys face, and then the other sitting next to him, and they morphed together. I kept asking them how I could get un-stoned because I had to get home and I had to drive. Finally one of the guys tells me hes gonna drive me home and have someone else pick me up. When we are pulling out of dairy queen, I think the car is tipping over and we are gonna roll. My paranoia just keeps getting worse and worse.

I get home and I get in to the shower and I am still in this dream thing. I feel like I am moving super fast. The shower water is on all the way cold but it feels good. I get in to my bed after my shower just let my whole body twitch as it has been for awhile now. I try to go to sleep ,but its impossible. Finally I just stare at the tv for about 3 hours and it wears off leaving me with the biggest munchies of all time. Yet,It was the worst high ever. I dont know what was in that weed that made it so strong or what happened to me but that was crazy shit.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21725
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 4, 2021Views: 541
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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