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Trip Sitters Are a Must
Citation:   Enkoder. "Trip Sitters Are a Must: An Experience with DXM (exp18339)". Oct 21, 2002.

711 mg oral DXM (liquid)
After a *very* long week, I decided to drop out of reality for a few hours. My orders of Salvia had not come in yet, so I went in search of some Morning Glory. Since it is very late in the season, I was unable to locate any. So I turned to DXM. I have dosed on DXM before, but only had minor visual distortions and that was with a full bottle of 10mg per 5mL in an 8 oz bottle. I had planned on picking up 2 bottles, but when I noticed that the dose per 5mL in the brand I bought was 15mg per 5mL, I figured 1 8oz bottle would be enough.

I went home. Right now I'm living with my parents again. I just moved, so my whole family (my wife, 2 kids and I) are all living in a rather small house. So I was afraid too much negative tension would derail an otherwise good trip.

I dosed up about 830 pm. 1 full bottle, 237mL of fluid equaled out to 711mg's of DXM. I tipped back the bottle and thought to me self, let the journey begin.

Last time I dosed it took me approx 1 hour before the onset of any effects. But something was different this time. I walked into the living room and I was feeling a little queazy. I'm sure the Diet Vanilla coke and Necco wafer candies were not doing any help. The TV was on..and it was starting to aggravate me really bad. So I retired to my bedroom. We always have classical music on, so I was relaxed.

1 hour after I dosed it hit me. I got extremely sick to my stomach. I didn't expect this seeing as the only active ingredient was DXM and I didn't have anything like this happen the last time I dosed up.

I got up to go to the bathroom and I knew something was wrong. I felt very drunk and I was having a hard time focusing on anything. I made it to the bathroom and vomited just as soon as I could get the seat up. I then called for my wife. The experience was very unnerving. I was slipping away and not in a good way. I kept trying my hardest to refocus and not to freak out, which was not a very easy thing to do. My wife was very comforting. Just 1 of the key aspects to a good tripsitter. I vomited about 3 times, mostly water. I don't believe I lost much of the I made sure to drink LOTS of water.

I was feeling MUCH better. I made my way back to my bed. This is when things got intense. Now my whole night had been ruined by my vomiting. My mind had switched from a night of fun to questions like 'did I take too much, was I going to die, did my parents find out.' All the questions of paranoid frantic fear. It wasn't but 930 now and I was burning up. Or so it felt. My wife kept assuring me I was fine, sweating and clammy, but not very hot. Now my vision was all jacked up. Like being cross-eyed and getting your eyes stuck. I could not focus on anything. So I closed my eyes.

Slowly creeping around the edges of where my vision would be if my eyes were open, stars started to appear, until all I could see was a vast expanse of stars. Like being in a planetarium. Everywhere I could see were stars and somehow, I was part of them. I was then disturbed by an odd feeling of being lost, this is where my sitter came in handy. I needed to be anchored in the real world and nothing around me helped except human touch. When I would open my eyes to talk to my wife, it was like reality would slam back into existence. Almost like changed slides in a projector. Things kept getting harder and harder to keep in mind. The next few hours kept flashing between stars and 'other dimensions'(my wife later told me that I kept saying how much of a shame it would be that I would not remember the things I was seeing) and reality.

All in all the night was not totally ruined, but it could have been. If not for a good sitter I would have totally freaked out and panicked. I have yet to have what I would call a bad trip, but I got a taste of one..and it is not something I would like to repeat.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18339
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 21, 2002Views: 34,473
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