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Answers In the Creek
H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis
Citation:   LookingDistant. "Answers In the Creek: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis (exp11895)". Dec 21, 2004.

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12 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis  
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Now I’m pretty experienced with the magical Hawaiian seeds. They’ve been very useful in providing me with mind-expanding trips where I strive to attain the unknown. I found them a perfect substitute for LSD, which forced me to deal with unsavory characters in order to track it down. They are almost as intense, have a different peak structure, and have a more natural feel to them. Despite the many reports that they give poor visuals, I found the visuals amazing and wonderful, very similar to LSD. Anyway, on to the trip.

I came up with the idea when my friend arrived home from school for the holidays. He was an experienced psychedelics users, but had never tried the seeds. One morning, we shaved up 12 seeds for each of us, pounded them and put them in a tea. I proceeded to drink it down, feeling that difficult wood taste. I felt pretty nauseated from this. Intending to avoid vomiting, I smoked a bowl of pot (I find when one accepts the vomit as part of the trip, it is much better). It did little to reduce the pains in my stomach, but I felt I would bear through it. At this point, I got my sisters car and drove over to my friend’s house. I stumbled into the backyard, wandered around a little bit, and then I vomited a bunch of times over the fence. Fortunately, I felt much better after. In fact, the vomit enhanced my tripping experience. I was feeling the “more real then real,” and color enhancement as we left Wes’s house. However, I knew I could drive well, until it started getting more intense.

I remember driving into the wilderness, my friend and I argued over where to trip. I first was determined to find a nature spot, while my friend started talking about going to the mall as he downed a bottle of Tussin (Something I would never consider while driving.) I remember falling into the driving, the road becoming like a powerful strange path before. Thus, I became omni conscious as I was able to think about the road, contemplate the concept of an ever flowing road of life, and see strange hallucinations in the corner of my eye such as my friend eating his face. On the way to wherever we were heading, we found this small park with leafless trees, a creek, crumbling bridges and such. When we pulled in, I remember just sitting in the car for a while, listening to the music. We listened to Dark Side of the Moon on repeat. I remember staring at the cloudy sky and my hand, entranced in the complexities and details of each.

After a while, we walked outside. I looked around the creek. Perception was altered, things seemed like miles away, trees were huge and beauty was the only thing my eyes cared about. My eyes were functioning as seekers of beauty caring little for proportion. Things were moved, subtle changing and flowing, colors brightening and pulsating. I walked forward, already feeling the spirits of nature in the cold wind. Things washed about in a strange realness. I recall climbing up this crumbling bridge and standing on it. Time seemed to have no meaning, it was all infinite. I was alive, and happy with that fact and understanding. Accepting the here and now for the first time in my life. Yet, I was also looking in the distance. I wanted something, I was searching for something. Mt friend called out to me, to climb to the top of this crumbling bridge. As I reached the edge, for a moment I felt fear. Then I thought to myself, who needs that. I thought to myself, “Fear is an illusion.” I sat on the edge and looked down, the ground seemed miles away yet close like I was already down there. I breathed in and out, listening to the silence.

My friend, usually chatty on substances, was strangely silent except for his occasional descriptions of his experiences and his thoughts. Each of us lost in our own universe. We climbed down from the stairs, and my friend urged me to smoke with him. I had brought some pot and a pipe, but I didn’t need it. I agreed anyway in order to please my friend. We went under this bridge. As soon as we walked under there, I noticed a shallow pond in front of us. We were both captivated by the water for what seemed like a very long time, but was probably about a minute. It was glimpse of things to come with the stream. It was like the water had sucked all verbal thought out of me, thus I was in a meditative dreamlike state. Wes then asked to smoke. We both took a few hits off the pipe. This seemed to magnify everything; perceptual distortion grew to an astounding level. I looked over and saw two bridges, each under another. It was like a doorway, a doorway to another world almost because they extended so far. Looking somewhere distant, the answers were almost there. The true nature and beauty of things was so clear. I suddenly was feeling total euphoria.

Suddenly there was a loud explosion.. Everything flashed in a bright white light, time and space seemed to bubble up for a moment. It echoed throughout the lands. Apparently, my friend had just thrown a huge cherry bomb in the air. I turned to my friend, asking him why he had done it. I then made him promise not to make fireworks again, pleading with him. However, I did not let his need for destruction mess me up in my journey. I instantly returned to the peaceful state, watching the sun dance between the trees. The complexity of the branches, seemed to hold all the answers I was looking for. I asked them for help in a soft whisper, then started to feel something all around us, something beyond us. I looked to my friend and said, “Reaching up at the clouds, its almost there. We are almost there… it is out there, just beyond us. We can almost feel it there. Can’t you feel it…? There is something out there. I can almost touch it.” My friend, who was an atheist, started to feel it too. Perhaps he understood now what I had felt on the mountains of California in previous trips.

Still, I was only skimming the surface, determined to get more answers. I wandered outside the car, laying down on the edge of a bridge. It seemed so grand and so wonderful. Rolled out in all its glory, showing me some of the answers, the connections between everything; the plants, animals, rocks, tree, and the rest of our universe. I could almost break down and cry it was so beautiful. We wondered off to the creek running near the crumbling bridges. The water sort of overtook me. The answers lay in the creek. I stood completely still, looking at the endless flowing patterns in its eternal beauty. Then the answers came… So vast and complex and huge that I can never explain it all in words. I received a gift from God, yet I could never bring all of it back. The creek pulsated with life, and I felt the connection with everything, breathing with the world, the true state, on the edge of enlightenment. The creek glowed bright light like the fires of heaven. It was calling me. I felt like, we were all passing on to the next state of being, yet we did not make it. I only glimpsed it, complete understanding and truth. Be happy with being I thought, but never give up the search and quest for enlightenment.

My friend walked over, perhaps having seemed the same thing. I said, “This is it. This is what is all about. The answer.” My friend nodded in understanding. I felt the meaning of that classic statement, “Be Here Now.” I told my friend not to forget this. “We walked back to the car, listened to moody blues for a while, and I just reflected. I was so happy for what God had shown me. I promised to take the lessons in to my everyday life. I think of that day by the creek often, grateful for what it had taught me.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11895
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 21, 2004Views: 510
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4)

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