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Generally Nice, Just Nausea Is a Bit Annoying
Citation:   Sids back. "Generally Nice, Just Nausea Is a Bit Annoying: An Experience with alpha-PHiP (exp117626)". Jan 9, 2024.

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Interesting Experience First Time Use (Light Dose)

I used to take a lot of stims in my raving year (UK squat part/warehouse/out door scene). I stopped for normal reasons (loosing the plot). Pretty much stopped drugs and am a benzo/opiate addict (getting treatment). Wanted to have a final blow out on some strong RC benzos and was kinda intrigued so ordered a gram.

I am now very stim naive. About 4 hours into it I have a nice body feeling (more m-cat than mdma). It's kept me up and is generally a good experience.

Perhaps due to the gaps in stim use which might be why I'm feeling quite strong nausea. Personally for me, wouldn't take much more, it doesn't impact me in a party drug way and more up for chilling.

Generally nice, just nausea is a bit annoying (perhaps val & opiate I'm detoxing on).

[Reported Dose: ".9mh" (?)]

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117626
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 9, 2024Views: 15
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alpha-PHiP (945) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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