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Pure Evil
Citation:   Monero. "Pure Evil: An Experience with Ketamine (exp114022)". Feb 4, 2020.

90 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I am neither a good writer nor native English speaker, but I felt compelled to write the article I wish I’ve read before trying this stupid drug.

I’ve been curious to try Ketamine because I’m interested in psychedelics and LSD is my favorite drug of choice. LSD for me is celebration of Universe and objective appreciation of its energy. Of course, I knew that Ketamine was completely different from any other psychedelic drugs and I expected different experience.

So, finally I got hold of 1 gram of Ketamine and decided to try it when I was home alone. I snorted 90 mg and laid down in bed. Effects came up pretty fast. It felt like my body was being moved into another space/dimension, isolated from the entire universe. All my problems just disappeared, feeling of numbness and sense of calm took over. I thought to myself, this is what heroin must feel like, being isolated from all your problems, doesn’t matter whether you are lying in 5 star hotel bed or a dumpster. And I felt really dumb. I could understand why heroin users were such antisocial losers. Then it dawned on me, this is what pure evil is – enjoying comfort of nothingness, no energy to force change, no ups or downs, just like a flatline on a heartbeat monitor.

I felt disgusted with myself for enjoying this anti life anti universe substance. I thought even worst serial killers are less evil than this, cause they at least produce some kind of energy and are active participants of the universe. I flushed down all the Ketamine I had left in the toilet and it felt as good as getting rid of the worst enemy. I tried to remain active during the rest of the trip, which was kind of difficult cause I felt so numb.

All in all, Ketamine is definitely not my drug of choice and I’m really glad that it is not.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114022
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Feb 4, 2020Views: 1,592
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Ketamine (31) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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