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I Thought the Night Had Ended
by K
Citation:   K. "I Thought the Night Had Ended: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp112634)". Erowid.org. Nov 28, 2018. erowid.org/exp/112634

700 mg oral Diphenhydramine
Two nights ago I joined the "700 club" and my experience went from disappointing to terrifying.

I've done dph 2 times in the past. First time was 300 mg and that was easily my favorite experience. I was very relaxed and was well aware that what I saw was imaginary (Webs along the ceiling, dancing disappearing gnome man, stationary spiders on the walls). Overall a positive experience, so at least 2 weeks later I tried 550. This time I hardly saw any hallucinations aside from a restaurant cup above the window and my door that would flash when I looked at it. Not a very exceptional trip but oh well.

I wanted to see spiders and scary shit bad
I wanted to see spiders and scary shit bad
, so I asked my friends (I'll call them friend M, friend S, and friend E) if I could take dph around them and they could help me if something goes wrong. It was highly discouraged but I knew the risks because I'm so fascinated by dph. The night carried on as we watched youtube videos on tv. I anticipated the hallucinations but saw absolutely nothing. Later in the night my friends E and S and I left the house to go home. Friend S drove me home and I went inside my house and went to sleep. (Or so I thought)

This morning my mom asked me why I kept walking on the street at 4 AM. I told her I had no idea what she was talking about and I assumed it was just her meds messing with her memory again. Later she asked if I wanted to order a pizza for my friends last night. Again I didn't know what that was about. I got out of bed and decided to check our snapchat groupchat and saw a picture of me looking horrifying in the back seat of the car.

I went back and read their 4 AM conversation and saw them rightfully concerned for me. Here's how my night actually went down:

I left friend M's house and friend S drove me home then drove friend E home. I went into my yard and talked gibberish. Friend S decided to check on me and make sure I got inside safely. Friend S didn't see me and assumed I got home safe, but then I came out of nowhere and terrified him when I got into car and told him to "take us all home" even though it was just me in the car. I said to him "I got in the car because it's what I'm supposed to do. He took a selfie with me in the back seat looking absolutely brain dead. Friend S walked me home then ran away from me which probably scared me at the time. I finally made it past the front yard. My mom was on the porch smoking a cigarette and I talked gibberish to her and called her some nickname that had the word "bus" in it. I asked if I could order a pizza for me and my friends, but my friends were not in my house so I was probably imagining them. This whole time I was typing and deleting messages but the only one I sent was a period. After that I think I went to sleep. Later this morning my mom asked me again about the pizza and I told her I must've been sleepwalking and I think she bought my excuse because she didn't ask about it again.

Overall a bad, frightening experience that could've killed me due to the stupid shit I didn't know I was doing. There were probably only 2 or so things good about this experience. I Woke up feeling very well-rested, and I still haven't had a bad dph hangover (and never will because I'm done with this drug).

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112634
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Nov 28, 2018Views: 1,368
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Diphenhydramine (109) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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