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Helpful for Anxiety/Depression
by Griz
Citation:   Griz. "Helpful for Anxiety/Depression: An Experience with Kratom (exp112032)". May 27, 2020.

1 - 5 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
    oral Pharms - Venlafaxine (daily)
    oral Pharms - Mirtazapine (daily)
I am 22 years old and have a history of anxiety and depression and have been on various drugs. At the time of the experience, my mood had been stabilized with the meds I am on (Venlafaxine (SSRI) and Mirtazipine for sleep). I also have experimented with many other drugs (psychedelics, stimulants, plants etc). I had read a lot about Kratom and decided to give it a try.

The first time I tried it, I dosed around 1-3 grams using powder mixed in water at my house. It doesn't mix too well with water but its the best way to do it. I personally like the earthy taste. The effects kicked in around 30 minutes to an hour. I was surprised by the effects. It relieved my anxiety and mellowed me out, but at the same time gave me a very mild Adderall or caffeine type buzz. Over the next month, I began to use Kratom more frequently and it was helping me through my day and allowing me to get things done and enjoy things more. However, I do believe that Kratom is addicting. I began to use it every day and higher doses.
I began to use it every day and higher doses.
I had built up a tolerance but it was much more like a caffeine addiction rather than an addiction to hard drugs. I found that at much higher doses I would get nauseous, sweaty, tired, very anxious, and scatterbrained. Although fairly mild compared to other drugs I've tried, I discovered that it did have bad withdrawal effects like nausea, irritability, and high anxiety.

Overall, my experience with Kratom has been positive and helpful. However, like all drugs, it can be abused and for me was addicting but not life ruining. In my experience, it reduced my anxiety, depression, gave me focus, and helped my lack of interest. The downsides were that it was addicting, has withdrawal effects, and unpleasant side effects at higher doses.

If you are reading this and have depression, hang in there! It will get better. You are not alone!

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112032
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 27, 2020Views: 624
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Kratom (203) : Combinations (3), Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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