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The Madhatter and Alice
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
by Teks
Citation:   Teks. "The Madhatter and Alice: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp112004)". Erowid.org. Jun 8, 2018. erowid.org/exp/112004

5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
    repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
I awaited this day for a while, I went to visit my friend (we'll call 'R' from here). R wasn't all too experienced with any psychedelics except low doses of mushrooms and acid. I picked up an oz of PES Amazonian mushrooms to have saved for 5 or so months, at least. I told R we were gonna make some tea to digest our doses (weighed out to roughly 5 grams) so I brought over some ginger and yerba mate to mix it with, although after arrival to his house we decided we shouldn't waste a lick of time and just ate them almost immediately after. We planned to take a hike near his property to this tree, it must've been 10-20 minutes away but it stood out more than any other tree, it was big. We started to hike up and R started to say he didn't feel anything, I managed to retort, 'I dunno man, my vision is starting to get... wider.' we looked as hard as we could for the tree but it seemed hopeless after about 25 minutes of searching, we found a nice spot to sit down after deciding we'd never get to the tree, I tried on light refracting glasses that I'd brought to see if it was gonna be trippy, it was pretty underwhelming.

We decided to walk down after talking about school and our psychedelic experiences. While going down the hill I asked if we should head back to his house or go for another nature walk, at first I was adamant about the walk but something strange happened, I immediately recognized the feeling. I started to talk about mushrooms in general how this might be a little scary but just remember you're on a drug and you'll be ok, only to pause mid-sentence, realizing that my words were echoing and replaying in mind
my words were echoing and replaying in mind
. I said to R, 'We need to go back to the house for a bit.'

We went outside so I could enjoy a beer and a cigarette, R insisted on smoking a joint he rolled but I said I wasn't a fan of smoking weed on mushrooms. He started laying in his hammock and I started to pace, drinking and smoking, he kept repeating 'Man, I'm just so high, I'm just so high.' The next bits a blur, all I know is that I ended up back in R's room. He seemed a little anxious which concerned me, I said words I now regret telling him, 'Why are you so scared?' I think this set the tone for his trip, while mine had been set while we were going up the hill. We started talking for a bit only for him to start manically laughing, I told him to stop because it overwhelming but at one point he laughed so hard it overpowered any other noise, I told him that he needed to stop because 'You're gonna go hysteric.' he seemed insulted, which certainly wasn't my intention, I was trying to help. He kept clarifying that wasn't hysteria and I interrupted saying I needed to get some water.

I don't know how long we were in his kitchen but it was complete insanity, we needed something to do, we needed to smoke, to drink, my words no longer made sense to another person, only fragments of my ideas could be expressed at a time, while my internal monologue had told me I was a genius.

We went for our 2nd nature walk, this time down his driveway. This was peaceful we started to talk more about our psychedelic experiences and although not with much mutual acknowledgement of each other's words, we laid in the grass and stared at the bog that was west of his driveway, across the bog was a forest, it called me, I knew that was a place we needed to go, I told him we needed to go across but I don't think R heard. We headed home, acknowledging our incapable state. We returned to our previous loop of needing an action. The constant exchange of needing to do something eventually ended with someone saying, 'Let's go smoke some weed!' so I went out onto his lawn with him on a picnic table. After R had entered the house in and out several times over to either grab rollies, weed or a lighter I grabbed my beer and smokes from the porch and lit a cigarette.

The world started to feel 'flat.' everything was perfect. I looked at the world around me and said it felt like Alice in Wonderland, I was the madhatter and he was Alice, nothing made sense, R kept repeating that 'Nothing makes sense, I'm just so high.' R kept trying to roll his joint and eventually did light it after 5-6 reminders of what he was doing, I'm not sure if we ever finished smoking it. R went inside but I said 'I want to play, do you have a ball?' After a bit of searching I found a basketball and started dancing on his trampoline bouncing the ball, remember the DMT trip on Rick and Morty, I shouted, I fucking shouted, 'I am TIME.' I started thinking about how life is a constant struggle to express ideas, I started to think about how 'No thank you' or 'I love you' are the shortest yet most powerful phrases in existence, I thought about it all, I felt complete euphoria. I went to lay down and stared at the sky, the sky started to shift into several octagons which turned into a being I could recognize, I immediately thought it was God, although now I believe it to be nothing but an extension of how I think. It said to me, 'You're doing good, you're a good guy, you're gonna go to heaven. Just stop being so mean.'
'You're doing good, you're a good guy, you're gonna go to heaven. Just stop being so mean.'
I felt enlightened from these almost childish words and went to reply until I heard R shout, 'Yo, come inside.'

R was panicked, his parents were gone for the day and he was scared of their return, he believed that his parents were gonna laugh at him for his altered state and he wasn't gonna escape, I tried to explain that it'd be ok but I could barely form my own solutions, I didn't know who I was except this Shaman-archetype. I said to R, 'We could be quiet.' or 'You do this all the time right? It's okay.' this didn't help much. After panic, R started to leave the house and said he was going to his cousins house. I yelled at him to go back to his room, both of us explained neither was angry here, but this was necessary. We sat in his room for a bit, it was also so hazy from here. I thought I was at the point of death at parts, I thought I was going to be taken away for being too enlightened, I started to believe my one beer had put me into a state of drunkenness, all of these delusions rushed through me.

Later we went back up to the tree, believing we needed to go on one last nature walk. We didn't make it far, just across the field to where the hill begins, he started panicking we could be heard by people and I tried to meditate in silence, only saying the words 'Bliss...' we headed back to his room after seeing his troubled state.

Then, something miraculously euphoric happened, I knew who I was, I knew my girlfriend, my family and my life. I felt whole again, this didn't seem to happen to R, he was panicked, he kept saying he was so high and so confused. I was still tripping balls too but decided we could put on The Office to calm down, this seemed to help us both be quiet. I had to pretend to be in it, I did my very best to help but Jesus Christ, Jim's and Michael's foreheads were so big, eyes were all over them. That wasn't the most reassuring. Eventually all settled down.

The come-down had to have been the best a part outside of the euphoria on the trampoline. Both of us got piss drunk and used his THC vape and fell asleep, I personally felt 'whole' I felt like I had just analyzed every part of me and I was the better for it. R felt relived that the confusion was gone. We were fuckin' happy and there were no worries in the world. We talked about what we learned and saw. It was a good day.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112004
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 8, 2018Views: 799
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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