Managed to Think Deeply
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Psychedelic Sage. "Managed to Think Deeply: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp111280)". Jan 27, 2021.

T+ 0:00
1 hit sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:10 0.5 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:40 0.5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 6:40   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 8:00 1 cig. smoked Cannabis  
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
Totally Different Second Experience

During my school days, myself and a fellow friend - 'G' were always fascinated about psychedelics, their effects on the brain, and how different everyone's experience on them is. Before this experience, I had only done LSD once, and even this was a small dose (half a tab). G has done half a tab of LSD as well as 1g of Psilocybin Cubensis. During my first trip on LSD, I didn't get many visuals, bar ripples in my vision, as well as colours appearing brighter, and objects in my peripheral vision occasionally blinking different colours.

Myself and G decided we want to trip on LSD again, after having an enjoyable experience the first time round. We tried to source a local dealer, unfortunately, where we live, LSD is few and far between. I'd known about the deep web for a while, and would consider myself fairly educated on it, as well as currently studying for a Degree in Computer Science, my existing knowledge put me in a good position to order from the deep web whilst keeping it as safe as possible.

On a thursday night, I psyched myself up to finally purchase 25x 120ug Albert Hoffman blotters from the deep web. They came whilst I was working on Saturday. I had already planned to smoke a spliff with G, so I brought the tabs along with me, as a surprise, because he didn't know I had ordered them. We were in a position where we shouldn't really take the tabs right now, because G had commitments later on during the night, with his girlfriend. However, we decided it would be a good idea to drop the acid anyway, and just roll with whatever happens.

T + 00:00 - The time was 17:54, and we dropped 1 tab of acid, the acid was consumed sublingually, kept under our tongue for around 10 minutes.

T+ 00:10 - We were speaking about our first experience on LSD, and decided we wanted to guarantee that we got more from this experience than we did the first one, so we dropped another half tab.

T+ 00:40 I drove us to a local park where G rolled up a spliff and smoked it whilst we walked around the perimeter of the park. We both started feeling the initial effects of the LSD, I myself started feeling a floating sensation where I couldn't feel my legs. We carried on walking, which was beginning to feel very abstract. The world started to become stranger and stranger and I began to feel slightly nauseous.

T+ 01:00 We carried on walking through the park, where I realised I was experiencing tremendous comeup anxiety, my stomach was aching massively, and I felt overwhelmingly nauseous. We sat down for a moment and appreciated how bright the lights were looking, and that we were just free to walk around, appreciating nature. Leaves on trees began to look blurred, and it was difficult to focus on signs. I felt good. Sitting down and watching the world helped my anxiety, I was starting to relax.

T+ 01:35 After some more walking, and being generally appreciative of our surroundings, G needed to get his phone charger from my car. We started walking back to my car, which was a 5 minute walk away. Along the way, we got distracted and sat down next to a bridge. We were watching the river flow for a while, and 2 people walked past. We found it absolutely hilarious that 2 people walked past and they didn't know we were tripping. The laughter lasted around 5 minutes, and after we focused on the our goal which was to get to my car.

T+ 01:50 After the procrastination, we got to my car. We were looking at the acid in this little baggy, when people walked past and turned around for a second look at us, I won't forget the look on one ladies face, it was strange. We decided it'd be a good idea to leave that area and grab a couple of bottles of water. I drove to the local supermarket and this is where I really started to notice visuals. Whilst driving, it looked like the houses and people in my peripheral vision were being fast-forwarded, I felt calm, but my thoughts were racing. I had to manually think about what to do whilst driving my car, telling myself to indicate when necessary, etc.

T+ 02:00 We parked up and psyched ourselves up to go into tesco, we had a game plan - to look normal and don't let people know we're tripping. As soon as we entered, I looked at the ground and it looked as if it was breathing, rippling back and forth whilst the dotted pattern waved around. I said nothing of it to G as we were in public, we purchased the water and left.

T+ 02:05 We walked back to my car, and it felt like my brain couldn't compute what was real and what wasn't at this point. It felt like I was flicking in and out of reality, where I could act and think completely normal, but the next minute I'm getting lost in my thoughts and confusing myself. G's girlfriend rang him and wanted us to pick her up for a bit. I was incredibly apprehensive of this, had a disgustingly bad feeling about the situation, I had only met his girlfriend once before and the thought of her knowing I was on LSD terrified me, thinking that my world would spiral out of control once she knew, thinking that I had made G take it too. Nonetheless, we drove to G's car and picked up his girlfriend.

T+ 02:30 My memory starts becoming fuzzy at this point. G's girlfriend was talking a lot, and I was listening, but never really following. A lot of the things she was saying discombulated me, and I found myself having to give myself a few seconds to catch up and reply, time and time again. I noticed that G was feeling similar, as he kept forgetting what we were doing, repeatedly asking 'What are we doing again?'. This worried me as I thought for sure she would foil us at any moment. We ended up getting her a McDonalds and driving to the local fair.

T+ 02:45 We arrived at the fair, there were police officers everywhere, keeping the peace, although it felt like the fair was empty.. Not many people there bar packs of police officers. During the drive there, there was a police car with its lights flashing blue and siren wailing, this both made me and G visibly shaken, and his girlfriend said 'What? It's not coming for us, whats wrong with you both'. This made me even more paranoid than I already was.

T+ 03:00 I wasn't really enjoying the fair. It felt like everyone had their eyes on me, and that I was making incredibly poor decisions. Walking around a lot of police officers with 2 grams of weed on me made me feel very uncomfortable too. We walked to the local tesco to go to the toilet.

T+ 03:10 I was getting intense visuals by this point. Everything in my vision was flashing different colours, mainly green and purple. The floor was waving around, and it felt like my arms were numb. Whilst we were on the escalator, mine and G's old business teacher happened to be behind us, Mr Allen. We think he didn't recognise us, thankfully, but it made us slightly nervous, although I started uncontrollably laughing.

T+ 03:15 We finally started walking to the toilet after what felt like an eternity, walking in front of us, however, was a Police Community Support Officer, I thought for sure he knew what we were doing. I started sweating profusely, but G turned as I was following him and gave a reassuring look. I went to the cubicle and released my wee, while G had a wee stood literally next to the PCSO. It felt like an eternity went by, I couldn't help but feel anxious at what might happen next. Eventually, I left the cubicle and G was looking in the mirror. I did the same as I washed my hands, and I looked uglier than I ever have before. My face started melting away slowly, while my eyes stayed still and turned black. We left the supermarket, and fair, where I decided that this was enough, and that the fact that I couldn't embrace my trip for what it was because his girlfriend was here.
I couldn't embrace my trip for what it was because his girlfriend was here.
I said to drop me back off at my car where I would go home and we would all rendezvous later at a mutual friends house after he finishes work at 12.

T+ 03:35 I say my goodbyes to them both, and enter my car. I sit down for what felt like a couple of minutes but I think 20 minutes went by. It looked as if cars kept going past behind me, similar to when a car is behind you and the headlights infect your car. That was the only way I could describe it. Everything was wobbling. I felt euphoria in my body, however. Intense euphoria all through my nerve endings. I started the car, and grabbed the steering wheel, deciding that I should go home now. The steering wheel in my hand felt like it was upside down, and felt alien to me. I spent a few minutes looking at it before I departed home.

T+ 04:10 The trip home wasn't bad. I felt like everything was moving around me, taking me into account because I was tripping. Environment kept changing colour, and I couldn't read anything. When I pulled my phone out, the keyboard letters started floating around, and the text began to get smaller and smaller to the point where I couldn't read it. I walked inside after preparing myself mentally to avoid my parents. I pretended to be on the phone, and it was incredibly difficult to pretend to have a conversation with someone. I couldn't think what to say.

T+ 04:25 I spent about 25 minutes in the bathroom, unloading a poo and realising I was tripping. I watched the visuals go by and forgot things in my short-term-memory often. Most notably, my white bathroom was flashing a light green, and the towels looked like they were flowing, like a river. I looked at myself in the mirror (I have eczema) and decided that I was disgusting, and that I should sort myself out after I had finished tripping. Then, an uncontrollable urge to scratch all the eczema I could see came over me. I started bleeding a lot. I was panicking at this point, realising it was only the drug that was doing this I went to my bedroom and lay in bed, changing my clothes for something more comfortable.

T+ 05:25 During the time in my room, I got lost in my thoughts watching videos, thinking that they were talking to me, most notably 'Strawberry Fields Forever' by the Beatles, especially the 'Nothing is real' line. This made my mind race, one thought led onto another, and before you know it I was texting G this exact sentence 'When you think about it, us being awake, being conscious is just the presence of electrical impulses in a fleshy computer, our body.' and another one 'When we're seeing things, all we're doing is looking at lines and seeing patterns in them, interpreting them as environments, seeing something in what is essentially nothing'. I felt like I was reflecting a lot by this point and was enjoying most of the thoughts.

T+ 06:00 The time came to pick up W from work, I was still having some visuals at this point, but not nearly as intense. My mind was still racing, however, and I found myself getting lost in thought loops again. This didn't alarm me, I felt calm, almost in bliss.
T+ 06:20 It felt good to see W again, I had told him the general story of the night, and how amazing LSD is, and that I'm finally getting visuals from the drug. We make plans to take it together with G soon. We arrive back at W's house, where his neighbours cat resides sometimes. The cat made me feel very on edge and anxious. I didn't trust it.

T+ 06:40 G and his girlfriend were here too. We sat in the garden and smoked a couple of spliffs. It felt good to calm down a bit. G kept making inside jokes regarding the fact that we had taken LSD, including writing ACID on the condensation on a glass table outside, as well as saying puns such as blotter, using the word trip often, etc. I found this hilarious. I felt still calm, and bliss, and that everyone was enjoying themselves. It felt good to be with my main guys, one of which I literally grew up with. It felt like everything was right.

T+ 07:40 G and his girlfriend stayed for a little bit, and we had some deep conversations regarding conspiracies, and other topics that evoke thought. I was truly enjoying myself, G and his girlfriend left, and we said our goodbyes.

T+ 08:00 I stayed with W for a while. I smoked another spliff where this hit me hard. I started getting visuals on the house adjacent to W's garden. It was blinking different colours, and the bricks were morphing together and snapping back into line. It looked strange. W's garden was fucking beautiful. It had a perfect view on the night sky, and it was a refreshingly clear night. We sat together and appreciated the stars and vastness of space for a while. All the while I was getting many visuals on the stars, it looked like they were all twinkling at me, like they were telling me something. At one point it looked like they were all coming down to touch me.

T+ 08:40 Things took a slight turn for the worse.
T+ 08:40 Things took a slight turn for the worse.
I was looking at the side of W's head as he was looking up into the night sky and he started transforming into a stone gargoyle that was sucking the life out of space. I quietly said his name in hopes that he will turn around and snap out of it. Thankfully he did, this was relieving. We went back inside to chill for a little before I left. The pictures all around his house of him and his brothers were so strange. They were morphing around and they all looked like the same person, this was concerning but I enjoyed looking at them, reminding myself that I'm still likely tripping.

T+ 09:00 I started getting paranoid, I'm not sure what at, but I thought and felt that I was in a TV show, and there was a camera crew following me around. This made me super anxious and I started seeing eyes in everything, and looking at sunglasses made me uncomfortable as I didn't know if there were eyes behind them or not. This is pretty much where the experience ends, I went home and fell to sleep easily, and blissfully. I felt emotional the next morning, but reminiscent of yesterday, I had thoroughly enjoyed it, and spent some good time with my good friends, whilst doing what I enjoy most, talking about thought-provoking topics.

Overall, I had a good second experience with LSD. There are bits and pieces that I don't remember from the night, but I certainly managed to think deeply about some topics that mean a lot to me, including some problems going on in my personal life. Next time, I don't want to feel like I have to hold back the trip, by acting normal around G's girlfriend. I also think that cannabis during the comedown of an LSD trip will make you begin to trip again, from my experience - definitely going to do some research on if there's a correlation between the two drugs or not.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111280
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 27, 2021Views: 538
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LSD (2) : Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53), Combinations (3), General (1)

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