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Life Is God Any Way You Worship It
H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   LaserSword. "Life Is God Any Way You Worship It: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp106316)". Apr 29, 2019.

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6 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose
I was at a concert - it had been an hour since I ate the seeds and I was now peaking - I saw a glowing ball of energy glide across the stage and float into my mind.

I saw a vision of Jesus in my mind and it spoke to me and said 'I am not Jesus, but I am taking the form of Jesus because that is how your mind can most easily understand my trans-dimensional presence.'

'Jesus' showed me a vision of a black dark void covored with a thin film of white light - he told me that this was the cycle of incarnation and things are constantly being pulled back into this black void and shot back out into the light.

'You are always fighting the reaper for your soul - find the light' he said.

Then - I understood with pure clarity that 'God' and 'Life' are the same. All religions are narrow perspectives of the everythingness that is the universe.

'Jesus' told me 'Life Is God Any Way You Worship It'

He told me to spread that message and that I was a prophet for humanity and it was my mission to spread this message and end religious disharmony which is a symptom of not understanding this truth.

I spent years not sharing this message - this experience happened over 7 years ago and I am just now getting the feeling that I should have been spreading this message the entire time -

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 106316
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Apr 29, 2019Views: 46
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