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We Yelled at Her, She Would Not Answer
DXM with CPM
Citation:   Sierra. "We Yelled at Her, She Would Not Answer: An Experience with DXM with CPM (exp10625)". Oct 21, 2019.

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  oral DXM
    oral Chlorpheniramine Maleate
I Watched My Best Friend Die

While staying at my dad's house I found out about the pills through one of my brothers friends, 'C'. He was telling me how good they are, how hes taken up to 32 Coriciden at a time, how they don't show up on drug tests. Everything I was looking for in a good high. I have been experimenting with different drugs for some time now, it was just another pill to pop. The first time I took them I popped 14. 'C' took 24, my brother took 10, and 'E' took 8. I felt like I was the drunkest I have ever been. I went to bed before they had fully kicked in. When Returning home I told my friends Katarina and Kristen about them. They were up for ride. We were all depressed that the drugs that we were supposed to do never came through. To us it was just another high.
To us it was just another high.

We had my mother drop us of at the movies. We proceded by going into the bathroom and swalling 8 by sticking our head under the faucet. I took all 8 at the same time. Kat took 6 then 2 and kris took 4 at a time. We walked back to [locale] where they first started to hit. We thought they were kind of weak so I took 3 more giving me a grand total of 11 and kat took 1 more, leaving her with a total of 9.

When we got home I told me mother I was tierd and went to bed. Katarina and kristen were out on the computer talking to people. After laying in my room for about an hour I decided to go join them. I was so fucked up I couldn't read the computer screen. I convinced them that we should go into my brothers room.

Once in my brothers room we sat talking. All of the sudden kristen layed down we yelled at her, she would not answer. We began slapping her across the face. We were so fucked up our selves that katarina and I couldn't feel how hard we were hitting her. Then we drenched her with water. Finally she woke up. Kat convinced kristen that is she didn't pass out agian kat would call the guy she liked and tell him how she felt. Kristen agreed. Soon after Kat and I desided it would be best to go to sleep. Katarina and I crawled into the bed and asked kristen to turn off the light. We sat in the dark for about 30 seconds only hearing compleat silence. Kat reached over to turn on the light by the bed we saw kristen lieing passed out agian on the floor. We repeated with slapping her and pouring water on her after about 5 minutes she woke up. She passed out about 2 more time after this, during one of which she began to sezure.
She passed out about 2 more time after this, during one of which she began to sezure.
When we thought she was finally ok I desided to call my boyfriend it was about 11 at this time. While on the phone with him came her last and final fall. She colapsed to her stomach we flipped her over and began the screaming slapping and pouring of water. I got off the phone and checked her breathing. She wasn't. We couldn't even get a heart beat. I tilited her head back and gave her CPR. Finaly she awoke. If she would have passed out one more time we would have called 911. We should have in the first place but we were to afriad of getting in trouble.

Katarina and I desided now we would have to keep watch on her, nonstop. Then kat desided she would try to puke up the pill to become sober. I sat with kristen talking to her, I wouldnt let her lie down. When kat came back in and even thought we made a pact not to go to sleep, just to ride the pill out untill it was completly over, we got tiered. This was when we desided to develope a system to lets us know if she was ok. On of us would say 'Kristen?' Kristen would then reply with 'hmm?' and to let her know we heard her we would answer with 'k.' This ecame a habit, no matter where we were what we were doing every 30 seconds it was ''Kristen?' 'Hmm?' 'K.'' At 12 we desided to go into my room so we could watch t.v., focus on something. Do something to keep us awake. By now we were beginging to sober up, but I was still seeing double. Eventually we wanted to go to sleep Through out the night one of us would wake up and check the others breathing. In the morning we were all ok.

I remeber we told kristen the storie and all she would say was thank you for saving her life. It was the scariest night of my life. Some people say they watched their best friends die in front of them. We deisided to save ours.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10625
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 21, 2019Views: 142
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DXM (22) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Second Hand Report (42), Health Problems (27)

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