A Day of Experimentation
Citation:   Lord of the Clackers. "A Day of Experimentation: An Experience with DMT (exp105984)". Erowid.org. Aug 19, 2019. erowid.org/exp/105984

T+ 0:00
5 mg vaporized DMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00 10 mg vaporized DMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:00 20 mg vaporized DMT (powder / crystals)
I had recently made my first batch of DMT. Pure white crystals using a heptane extraction. I had ruminated about taking DMT for about 6 months and decided that I wanted to go through the whole process of creating my own product and consuming it when I felt the time was right.

The day had come, and I decided I would test the waters with a tiny dose: 5mg. This dose had little effect, but it served as test to ensure that what I had made was in fact DMT, and, that it wouldn’t kill me if I consumed it.

A couple of hours later, I decided to double the dose: 10mg.

This dose revealed the classically described “fractal” nature of the DMT experience. I was also bathed in a warm glow with this dose. I found this to be reassuring, as I had heard some people describe the experience as being terrifying.

Again, after a 2 hour period, I took an increased dose: 20mg.

What is clear about this drug, is that it does not have a linear response curve. The preceding lower doses were not indicative of the type of experience I would received at a higher dose.
The preceding lower doses were not indicative of the type of experience I would received at a higher dose.
Within seconds of inhaling, the world around me changed drastically. The true nature of how this realm, which we perceive of as reality, is constructed, was shown to me as being the product of an ingenious fractal soup. Everything is interconnected by this complex fractal construct. Properties, which we ascribe to material aspects in our plane of existence, such as space, time, mass, etc, are not applicable in the world of the fractal.

The DMT revealed how our world, and its associated attributes, come into being: it is projected into existence by the non-corporal world of the fractal.

Following this revelation, the room began to change beyond comprehension. I have experienced many heavy LSD and mushroom trips, but the visualisations I experienced on DMT are in a completely different order of magnitude. I was moving into another plane of existence right before my eyes. The room began to morph into a pure haze of undulating, geometric patterns. They were swirling in a beautifully co-ordinated interplay which began to reveal another dimension.

From this ethereal dimension a force, or being, began to reveal itself. It reached out to me. I began to lose my perception of time. The being / force was so powerful, I began to feel apprehensive. The whole experience was so intense. I realised that if I was to travel completely to the next dimension, I had to be prepared to leave my body. I had to experience death. I hesitated, and the moment was lost.

I feel now (12 hours later) that this trip was, without doubt, the most profound experience I have had using psychedelics. It was strong enough to show me what I must be prepared for if I want to take the next step into hyperspace.

This trip also taught me that if I truly want to experience DMT to its fullest, I must: dose high and prepare to die!

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 105984
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Aug 19, 2019Views: 892
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DMT (18) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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