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Profound Sense of Wonder and Connection
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   BobTheExplorer. "Profound Sense of Wonder and Connection: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp103144)". Jun 17, 2020.

2 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (tea)
  12.5 g oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
    oral Ginger (tea)
I suppose in my adult life I have always been fairly interested in altered states of consciousness through the use of various entheogens and chemicals, etc. And so I guess I was eager to get my own experience from certain substances and this was when I came across the san pedro cactus, online a few years ago. When the cactus chips arrived I got a friend to help me blend them and then make them in to liquid form. When this was done, I added some ginger to the liquid because I had heard it could prevent nausea. The brew tasted rather unpleasant but I managed to get it down without gagging too much. Bearing in mind I had had two pints of real ale in a pub before I decided to make the brew. Whether that was a wise decision or not, I remain ambiguous about.

I later went to a friends house and after about an hour and a bit, the visuals started. Colours generally became more apparent to me, a painting round my friend's house had wonderful rays of light shining off it. My eyes were fully dilated, and my heart was beating fast. My arms and legs throughout the night were having spasms which was quite uncomfortable. It was almost like 'prickly' feelings in parts of my body, and no pun intended there either. Later on we went to a separate house which was further into the village. I danced around to a some 90's indie music that was playing. My visuals were stopping and then starting again, and this happened abundantly.
My visuals were stopping and then starting again, and this happened abundantly.
At one point my friends head turned in to a monkey's, but that was about as intense as any visuals got, but I'm sure if I'd of had more than 12.5 grams of these cactus chips then I certainly would have had more frequent hallucinations.

Overall I would say that my experience with psychoactive cacti was mostly a pleasant one, and even as an atheist/agnostic I really at times felt an almost pantheistic transcendence with the universe, and this just shows the power of this plant and it's effect on the human mind.

The one down point with the whole experience was the uncomfortable bodily sensations that I had throughout the trip. But that didn't stop me enjoying the wonderful visual encounters that I had, and the profound sense of wonder and connection that I felt after ingesting this plant.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103144
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 17, 2020Views: 657
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : First Times (2), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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