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Bipolar for 5 Hours
bk-MBDB (Mitseez Party Pills)
Citation:   not-spam. "Bipolar for 5 Hours: An Experience with bk-MBDB (Mitseez Party Pills) (exp83837)". Apr 29, 2010.

2 capsls oral bk-MBDB
Well, I developed some interest in legal (europe) ketones lately, which got reinforced by one unearthly euphoric experience on mephedrone (4-mmc). After concluding that further experiments would definitely lead into addiction, I sought for ketone-MDxx-analogs.

So there came bk-MBDB which was said to be the ingredient of Mitseez-Party-Pills. They contain two caps for a reasonable price. So I dropped both and knew 10 mins later, that something profound was coming on. An hour later there I was, an euphoric buildup with psychedelic thought-patterns which lead to horrible crash bordering on a panic attack mixed with psychotic depression. Then it would settle, just to start over again from an euphoric introspective experience to utter hell. This was going on for 5 hours and for another one with declining highs and lows. Body was very sore after that, despite taking care of it. Next day was fine.

Ok, my setting wasn't that great but still this was way more despair then on a bad trip on psychedelics. The panic attacks ruined an experience which was very worthwhile in between, as I worked on my setting during the good periods of the drug. It reassured me on the path I was choosing and felt like strengthening my ego in a healthy way.

Other people (say 20~50%) reported panic attacks or dysphoria for bk-MBDB (butylone) and mitseez, and subsequently equalize them. Others, on the other hand, reported great experiences - Hit and miss-

good luck

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83837
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Apr 29, 2010Views: 12,404
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bk-MBDB (348) : Difficult Experiences (5), Unknown Context (20)

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