At around 9:30 PM I ingested approximately 5 g psilocybe cubensis mushrooms with some difficulty. I hadn't eaten anything at all in at least 6 hours. Immediately after ingestion I turned off all the lights in my house except the kitchen light. I turned on the Orb's Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld and began reading the beginning of "Be Here Now". Within 20 minutes the shrooms were starting to work, so I set aside the book and turned off the music.

I layed down on the couch and removed my glasses. I closed my eyes and watched the dark, rapidly moving eyelid movies for a bit. After a while (approx 20 more minutes) I began to feel rather ill and retreated to the bathroom.

Upon entering the bathroom I turned off the light and closed the door. The darkness enveloped me and my visions began. I leaned over the toilet but quickly sat back, as I wasn't quite ready to puke and the smell was less than pleasant.

In the dark there was no difference between eyes closed and eyes open. Both presented a colorful animated field of flowing jeweled patterns. I smiled and laughed at the visions.

The urge to lie down struck me and I crawled into the bath tub. I lay there for a while, staring into the darkness and thinking. At some point in all of this, I had a revelation about my body image issues and I consciously "accepted" my body.

I left the bathroom and returned to lying on the couch. It occurred to me to smoke some rue. The experience wasn't as powerful as I had hoped it would be. I kept thinking about it, going back and forth about whether or not I should try it, when a voice spoke and said "Smoke the Rue". I thought that was a pretty clear signal, so I loaded up a small pipe and took a number of large inhalations. I put away the pipe and returned to the couch.

Almost immediately I noticed a difference. My visuals took on a deeper, more patterned aspect and their movement became more rapid and chaotic. I became more and more involved in them and soon it felt that I had ceased to exist. As the visual pattern became more three dimensional it covered me, began flowing through me and we merged. For a timeless eternity (10 seconds? 30?) I was suspended in nothingness as nothingness. My ego disappeared and I was lying in space, suspended and disembodied. Everything was gone until suddenly I was returned. I thought I had stopped breathing and immediately took a deep breath. I lay there considering what had just occurred. This experience reoccurred several times while I was lying on the couch.

Again I was feeling nauseous so I returned to the bathroom. The darkness of the room swallowed me up as I lay on the floor laughing and trying to vomit. Everything seemed part of a huge cosmic joke. I sat on the toilet, with my head on the tub. I felt like I was being born and giving birth simultaneously. The locus of my consciousness shifted several times and I felt like I was turning inside out.

I moved back and forth between the bathroom and the couch throughout the night. At one point, as I was sitting on my couch, it occurred to me to ask for my "true name", or sorcerer's name. I did so, and immediately received a reply. The name I was given seemed very relevant (and still does). I will not type it here, since I also got the impression it was to be kept a secret.

I had a number of other interesting phenomena, including several reversions to an animal state, where I felt ruled by emotion and primal forces rather than intellect. I was continually getting these tremendous waves of energy that manifested themselves as twitches forcing me to arch my body. They were not unpleasant, but they were a little disconcerting. I also saw myself as I think others see me. That was interesting, to say the least.

As the trip wound down I ended up lying on the living room floor twitching in response to the "energy waves" I was still feeling and trancing out until my roommates showed up. This brought me down fairly rapidly and I was reintegrated within an hour of their arrival.

This whole experience was quite interesting. I feel that I have captured only a small portion of it in this report. Of course, 10 words is too many to describe a psychedelic experience and 10 billion are not enough. The experience was not exactly pleasant or recreational but it was very positive.

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