On June 26, 1997 I tried 2CB for the first time. Before taking it I fasted for 24 hours (my first time doing so), since I had heard that fasting helped one get the most out of their trips. At midnight I took 25 mg of 2CB in the form of five tiny, white, generic pills.

About 20 minutes later I noticed the first effects.Twenty minutes after that it had developed to the point where there couldn't possibly be any doubt I was tripping. I suggested to my companion, J (who wasn't tripping) that we go for a walk.

We headed out of the apartment towards downtown, a few blocks away. I was describing the experience to J as we walked. I felt very light, very glad to be alive. We reached the square, a part of downtown where people can sit and enjoy the night and had a seat near a piece of statuary. The effects were coming on stronger and stronger and everything was looking extremely beautiful. There were a number of girls around and they all looked incredible. I got up and walked around the statue, since I had an enormous amount of energy. After about fifteen minutes I decided we should leave, and we did.

By that time the drug was really kicking in. It had taken on a strong visual element similar to but different than LSD. Everything was fascinating, and at the same time uninteresting. I was smiling ear to ear and felt on top of the world. The lights were beginning to blur and take on halos. Everything was very vibrant. The colors weren't the supersaturated bleeding neon tones of LSD, but more muted, rich tones of yellow, orange and rose.

We passed a tattoo parlor and a poster of a skull inside caught my eye. It looked very three dimensional. Everything looked deeper and more present than it usually is. The experience was very visual, but not intrusively so. I was very lucid throughout and continued to describe the effects to my companion, who was mostly amused.

Up ahead there were three cop cars busting someone. Their lights were going, throwing red and blue all over everything. On LSD this would have been a fairly anxious moment for me, but on the bees, I was never even tense. I was aware they had no interest in me at all.

We crossed the street and walked onto the college campus. The trees were awesome. The grass was wet, and I was struck with an urge to take off my shoes as I walked through it. I didn't do so, unfortunately. The buildings looked very impressive and J and I talked about their architecture as we admired them.

As we walked deeper into the campus we passed an island of vegetation. I stopped and pulled up a stalk of grass with a fuzzy top to admire and play with. I ran it across my face, to nice effect. The sensation was tremendous. My legs were tired from working the day before, but walking felt great nonetheless.

We sat down on a bench and I had a chance to close my eyes for a few seconds. The visuals were very interesting, seemingly clustered around a structure in the upper left hand side of my closed eye field of vision. They were flowing fractal designs similar to LSD, but with a different character and color scheme. J spoke and I opened my eyes to respond.

We moved on to a small pond nearby and sat down in a small grove of trees. It was lovely outside and sitting on the ground feels great. The best way I can think of to describe how I felt was Buddah-hood. I was totally at peace with the universe and my place in it. All of life's problems seemed minor and inconsequential. I was in love with myself and the universe. J and I discussed this a bit.

I closed my eyes again to be greeted by a similar vision as before, though it was now more mobile and active. I opened them after only a few seconds, since it is hard to watch eyelid movies and try and carry on a conversation at the same time.

We sat in that grove for over an hour. I watched a mist form over the pond and then dissipate. I was aware of other people riding bikes and walking on other parts of the campus. I felt very in tune with my surroundings, a feeling which was confirmed to a degree by the fact I was noticing things before J did. Our conversation centered around the 2CB as I described what I was feeling, seeing, and thinking. I told J how much he and his girlfriend would like this when they had a chance to try it out. After a while, we got up and left.

On our homeward walk, I continued to notice things before J did. As we walked I pointed out various things to him while we chatted about drugs and society. Before long, we reached our destination, which was the supermarket. As we were going in I was impressed by the shirt of the girl in front of me. The store itself was dauntingly big and bright. I bought some food to break my fast with and we headed home.

As I walked out I noticed the effects of the drug again, which had receded while we were in the store. The walk home was nice but uneventful. When we arrived home we lit a few candles and sat and chatted while I ate. After twenty minutes or so J went to bed.

I turned on Future Sound of London and lie on the floor with headphones. The music sounded essentially unaltered, but very clear. For no reason I can discern, I began to be turned on. I started touching myself, and the sensation was amazing, like touching someone and being touched simultaneously. It made me very aware of my body, and very positive towards it. I appreciated the erotic possibilities of my body in a way I hadn't before. I masturbated, and my orgasm was intense and spine tingling (literally). Afterwards I took a bath and went to bed.

2CB is wonderful. It felt great all around. I think it would be a good psychedelic to start with, since it leaves you very clear headed. It would give a novice tripper a good idea of what psychedelic visuals and feelings were like without overwhelming them with a lot of weird head noise like acid or mushrooms sometimes do. It is subtle, but strong. It leaves you mentally sober, but emotionally, spiritually and physically high. Recommended to those who have an interest in these things.

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