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Citation:   FailedAtDrugs. "Paranormal: An Experience with Zopiclone (exp116273)". Dec 3, 2023.

15 mg oral Pharms - Eszopiclone (pill / tablet)
I have a history of drug abuse, I had the most trouble with benzos and opiates. I've used everything from weed to heroin to strange RC dissociates that 99% of normal people have never heard of. Before this experience I had a recent 2 years of sobriety.

My relationship with this drug started when I decided to order some etizolam about 8 months ago. Etizolam happened to get banned around the same time that I ordered and they said the best they could do was send me zopiclone instead. I read online that it acted on GABA receptors similar to benzos so I thought oh well I'd try it.

The first time I consumed it, I took 15mg and went to work out, saw some of my friends at the gym, and was able to have a fluid conversation at ease from any anxiety and just felt really calm. I though wow this is incredibly similar to benzos!

Over the months I took it periodically and the worst effect I had from it was I would have text conversations with people and not remember. I sort of noticed my IQ felt lower every time I took it and sounding less and less intelligent when conversing with people.

Eventually I took a break from it because I noticed my anxiety would get really bad on the days that I didn't take it. There were times when I stopped taking it, I felt so insane, scared and void of confidence that I could barely leave my house. I felt like a complete weirdo.

After a month or so of not taking it I had my final experience that led to me throwing all my pills away. I had just got home from a 22 hour work day (truck broke down on the highway) and when I got home I was still a bit wound from the caffeine I had consumed. So I decided to take a couple zopiclone to try and pass out since I had been good and not taken it in a while .

4:00pm - Consume 15mg zopiclone and lay down in bed.

4:20pm - Start to experience body sensations.

4:30pm - Suddenly I get a very strange feeling, my blanket is moving around my body. Almost like floating and re-curling against my legs. I quickly get up and start filming my blanket to catch it moving.

4:35pm - I watch the video. 6 seconds in there's a flash of light and I hear a ghost say my name.
6 seconds in there's a flash of light and I hear a ghost say my name.
It freaked me out as I've had paranormal experiences in my childhood, completely sober. I start writing on a piece of paper asking what the ghost wants and then put it somewhere with a pen to retrieve later.

4:45pm - I message my friend that I have something to show him, that I have paranormal footage in a video my room, and that I don't know what to do. I have him cancel his plans with his girlfriend so I can come over.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
5:15pm - I forget where his house is and park on the wrong street at first but I make it to his house and I only remember bits and pieces. When I showed him the video the flash of light got smaller and the voice in the video actually said "do it" which was probably me telling the blanket to move again.

I was nodding out on the couch in front of his roommate which is really bad because he is the house manager living at a sober living home. Apparently, I was acting really weird. At one point I took a snapchat of me playing with the dog with a laser pointer and sent it to my ex fwb and asked her if she played laser pointers with her cat because he would probably love it. We had a short convo where I was just acting weird as fuck.

Eventually I went home and even still being high I realized how bad this shit was and threw away the rest of my pills. I slept for 18 hours and woke up really embarrassed and disappointed in myself.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116273
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Dec 3, 2023Views: 72
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