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Never Going Near It Again
Citation:   Hunter. "Never Going Near It Again: An Experience with 25I-NBOMe (exp98312)". Nov 19, 2012.

1 buccal 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
I purchased 1 x 500ug tab from a reputable online vendor. I did my research and decided that because I couldn't source acid, 25i would be as close as I could get.

At midnight, I placed the complexed tab between my gum and cheek and waited for 30 minutes. I disposed of the tab and waited for effects.

I quickly (within 10-15 minutes) began to notice a shift in saturation in the room. Colours began to appear slightly richer. This is when the nausea set in.

Feeling rather sick and depressed, I decided to retreat to bed and relax. I got into bed and lay on my side. I hoped the nausea would pass but it only got worse. At about the 40 minute mark, I was lying on my side, in bed, feeling like I had a bad dose of the flu.

60 minutes in and there were no CEVs and no OEVs. I felt sick, uncomfortable, depressed, irritable and wanted to go to sleep. This is how I remained for 7 hours.

At approx 8am, I finally dropped off to sleep and woke up at approx 10am feeling heavily hungover and depressed. I went to the toilet, looked in the mirror, and noticed that my face was bright red. I spent the rest of the day lying on the couch feeling moderately ill as if I was hungover from heavy alcohol use.

It took 48 hours to rid of the feeling of nausea. For a week after the experience, I felt quite calm and refreshed.

As you can guess, I won't be repeating the journey.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98312
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Nov 19, 2012Views: 12,887
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25I-NBOMe (542) : Bad Trips (6), Alone (16)

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