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The Good Bad and Ugly....But Its the Truth
by Kiwi
Citation:   Kiwi. "The Good Bad and Ugly....But Its the Truth: An Experience with Fentanyl (exp96550)". Dec 18, 2018.

  transdermal Pharms - Fentanyl (daily)
To start with a bit of background:

I'm 50 years old and looking back over what I've done in my life, Hey I'm doin' fine. I like fast motorcycles, strong booze, soft women and hard drugs. Without boring you (I hope) I've pretty much tried it all, now I can either list the shit I've used in my life or can just take my word for it it's up to you. But way, way back when I was young and even more stupid than I am now I was a pretty dam good rugby player. To all that don't know what that is it's like American football only much more insane and no padding. Anyhow due to some horrific tackles and bone breaking plays I was told buy many doctors I would pay for all this in later life.

I had no doubt in my mind they where all correct, I just didn't know how right they were. Anyway 3 decades later I now know.
Havin' spent the last 5 years in and out of hospital for stuff you probably don't wanna hear about taking all types of pain meds it calmed down enough for me to be back at home, work and my much loved and missed motorbike.

Sadly this came with daily visits to my fantastic GP for IV Morph along with keeping on top of the amazing amount of pills I had to take just to function.

Then we (well him not me) stumbled on Fentanyl, now this had been tried in the past with no real advantage it seemed, but the GP I know have took into account my size (no I'm no fat ass but I am built like a brick outhouse), high tolerance to meds of all types and the fact that to be honest if it don't get you high, why bother takin' it. We worked at it until we got the dose right
We worked at it until we got the dose right
and HELL for the first time since I can recall I ain't pain free but it's good enough for me.

So now I can get back to doin' what I love...............Yep workin' hard and playin' even harder. With these patches I change just every 3 days takes care of all that shit that kept me laid up on and off for years, so the Booze, bikes, women and other stuff I love so much is back to stay.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96550
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Dec 18, 2018Views: 2,112
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Pharms - Fentanyl (223) : Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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