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Nausea at First, Then Fine
Venlafaxine and Cannabis
by L
Citation:   L. "Nausea at First, Then Fine: An Experience with Venlafaxine and Cannabis (exp95587)". Apr 4, 2012.

75 mg oral Pharms - Venlafaxine (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I'm writing in about my experience of the interaction between Effexor (Venlafaxine) and Cannabis.

* HowWellDocumented: I'm alive and well - does that count?

* Description: I have been taking Effexor XR 75mg since September 2010.

I have no diagnosis but it floats around depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Soon after getting used to the meds a few weeks I started smoking again. I did experience a few episodes of extreme nausea and puking. I would feel dizzy first, then puke. This happened maybe four times, and I only ever puked again from including booze later, but have since gotten used to this as well.

My point here is that the interaction is going to depend on your personal combination of genetics and your tolerance levels. I want to add that I have skipped one day of the pill recently and by the evening I was having those brain zaps/shivers/waves in my head and it was awful. Awkward, like holding an odd box. I am tempted to think the Effexor is more dangerous than the weed...

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95587
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 4, 2012Views: 5,791
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Cannabis (1), Pharms - Venlafaxine (191) : Not Applicable (38), Combinations (3)

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