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Hard Peak Nice Comedown
4-AcO-DMT & Beer
Citation:   circa1973. "Hard Peak Nice Comedown: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT & Beer (exp95529)". Feb 28, 2021.

12 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  25 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (capsule)
I had recently acquired some 4-aco-dmt from a vendor and had tried it twice, once alone, and once with friends. Both of those experiences went well and were very enjoyable at the 15-17mg level. Being an 'experienced' person, I sought this chemical out for its similarities to psilocybin and have been pleasantly surprised, although there are some big differences in the 'come-up' and 'chemical' feel of 4-aco as compared to natural sources.

On the night of this experience, I was traveling for work by myself and had went for several beers in the college town I was in. I had a good night and near bar close, starting thinking to myself that I'm going back to the room and going to drop 25mg (I had the 4-aco packaged in 25mg caps) and listen to a RatDog show. I love listening to music and thought that this 25mg level would be just one notch deeper than the 17mg I done the other night. So, I dropped the capsule and lay in bed with my headphones on with the music playing and passed out.

When I woke abruptly an hour later, I was just barely in touch with reality and felt as though I was being scanned my some electric force. Everything was humming, my body could not be touched by anything, and it was VERY uncomfortable. I realized that I had to shut the music off to get a grip, and stumbled out of bed because I couldn't handle touching the fabric and started to completely lose touch with reality. I would go into viscous thought loops, was I talking? was I not? was there someone at the door? was it just me? Finally, I laid in the fetal position on the floor and went extremely deep into a personal mindspace. I vaguely remember yelling that I can't do this on my own, and also thinking of losing my wife and kids......I wanted to call them before I died, is what I felt. After about an hour of this, I got a grip again and ended up squatting, buck-naked, in the bathroom, gripping the sink for another hour, talking myself through it. I finally walked back to bed and called a deep, dear friend to help me get through this. I could barely contain myself, and was rambling about everything, crying, with more or less complete ego loss. We talked, and as some time passed I got into a glowing, come down phase which was extremely nice. I was SO happy to not have gotten in trouble, that I DIDN'T call my wife (that would have been bad) and just had some music on, at peace with the world. A few hours later, I was back at baseline and could not believe the experience I just had.

My take away from this, is that depending on the person, 4-aco-dmt can have a VERY steep dosage curve and that has to be taken into account. I will never just drop when drunk again...STUPID. Also, for anyone thinking otherwise, 4-aco-dmt is a top-grade psychedelic and should not be taken lightly. If I was not the experienced person I am, this evening may have went much worse. I lost touch with reality for an hour plus, and I am convinced that during that time I was touched by either another person who helped me, or a spirit who helped me, but can't pin that down. A very surreal, semi-religious experience. IF the police would have come to see what all the noise was about, or I had actually called my wife, my life would be much different today. Psychedelics are NOT meant to be played with.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95529
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Feb 28, 2021Views: 651
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4-AcO-DMT (387), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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