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Tripping The Balls Fantastic
4-AcO-DMT & Methoxetamine
Citation:   Everlost. "Tripping The Balls Fantastic: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT & Methoxetamine (exp94857)". Erowid.org. Jun 8, 2013. erowid.org/exp/94857

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT
  T+ 1:00   repeated smoked Cannabis
  T+ 3:00 1 bump insufflated Methoxetamine
  T+ 4:00   repeated smoked Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists
  T+ 4:00   repeated smoked AM-2201
  T+ 7:00 2 bumps insufflated Methoxetamine
  T+ 7:30 55 mg insufflated Methoxetamine
Wow, this was one hell of a night. Possibly my favourite trip I've ever had. Let's set the scene. It was quite a warm January night, and my friend had informed me that he was quitting psychedelics and just smoking weed, and had 60mg of 4-aco-dmt left that he'd trade for £10. I already had a half gram of MXE and the most of 3.5g of 'Haze' smoking blend (AM2201 and AM694) that I'd mixed with kitchen herbs (that stuff was damn potent!), so I thought I'd try 4-aco-DMT with a couple of friends (Pnut and J) that night, as I would be tripping on it the week after with a large group of people who'd never tried it before.

We dosed 20mg orally in a forest at around 6pm, and decided to get going to the town across the river where Pnut lived. It took about 40 minutes to walk from the forest, along the seafront, through my town and to arrive at the chain ferry (a boat that runs along a chain back and forth across the river to ferry people and cars across). By this time, I was already getting slight visuals, and my limbs had been infused with energy, not too unlike coming up on a large dose of MDMA. Pnut wasn't feeling alot, but J felt what I was feeling. We got on the ferry and went to the front, so we could get off without having to walk past/talk to anyone that might come on the ferry with us. Halfway across the river, the visuals kicked in for me a bit stronger, with the front ramp of the ferry bending and having a play of colours across it. I've never taken shrooms but I have taken 4-aco-MiPT and 4-ho-MiPT, and the visuals were similar in character to those two chemicals. We got off the bridge and J decided he wanted to go to the shop. While he was inside, Pnut was confused as to why he wasn't feeling alot. By the time J came out though (vaguely confused at his choice of food), Pnut was grinning and staring intently at the floor, which I took to be a good sign.

We decided to play at the playpark on the seafront, and this was fun. I felt more confident in climbing that I'd been in a while, and rolling joints was still quite easy. After around 10 minutes, we headed up into the forest behind the park for a few joints and sat down overlooking the park and sea. I remember the mental aspects of the trip becoming stronger at this point, and everything was hilarious. Giggles that I hadn't head in what felt like months punctuated our conversation and we all decided that we loved this chemical. The visuals were lovely in the forest too, the dark trees bending and changing in hue and brightness. We were fascinated by the smallest things, and got distracted extremely easily, one minute talking about the new years party we'd been at the week before, then in midsentence realising we could see the places we'd walked earlier across the mouth of the river, and then talking about music. This characterised the mental part of the trip, constant euphoric ADD-like distractions, full of laughter.

We must've spent around 2 hours in that forest, just walking (and falling) around amidst the pitch black trees, letting our minds transform what we saw in the darkness into beautiful things. The visuals weren't overpowering, but they were nice. If I'm honest I wouldn't have minded not having visuals at all, because the headspace and atmosphere was perfect. We played on ropeswings and ran around like we were 11 again, it was great.

We came out of the other side of the forest and headed to an old castle that formed a man made cliff of bricks against the sea. This was great because we'd all spent alot of time there, so nostalgia was heavy. We rolled a few joints, and then I remembered I had my MXE. I measured out a bump for each of us, then another one each. Pnut accidentally took too much, as I'd split him a bump from a larger pile, and he accidentally snorted the large one. We all found it hilarious. Weird stuff happened at this point, like a helicopter with a searchlight flying towards us from across the sea, and Pnut accidentally throwing a cigarette in the sea. The synergy between the THC, the 4-aco-DMT and the MXE was amazing, I was in such a good place.

We were in high spirits and now rather wonky from the MXE, so we decided to get down off the castle wall. This presented a problem. The wall was around 15 feet in height. But from our pretty skewed vision all we could remark was 'WHAT? THAT'S LIKE A MILLION FOOT TALL!'. Despite this, we all made it down eventually and headed up through the town to some fields we could smoke in in peace. Pnut was really feeling the large dose of MXE he took, stopping to look through peoples' house windows and generally being awesome. I got him to try and explain snooker, a sport he's passionate about, and I can safely say that him trying to articulate sentences made me laugh more than I'd ever laughed in my entire life. We got to the fields and decided it was time to smoke the Haze. I rolled a couple of joints of it and we smoked. Just like the MXE and the weed did before it, another level was added to the trip and it made it even better. We walked through a school to get out of the fields (forgetting that it was a Tuesday night during term time for children). The visuals were less now, but still entertaining, and the beautiful headpsace was still strong.

Armed only with joints, MXE and the chemicals currently floating in our brain, the 3 of us walked about a mile and a half to a forest that had nostalgic purposes for us (we all used to drink there at age 15). Me and J were fine with walking the distance, but poor Pnut was a tad too wonky and kept stopping because, in his words 'I want to wait for a bus to come past because the lights look really cool like Christmas', which I think is a great way of explaining what state we were all in. When we got to our destination, it was around 1am, 7 hours since we had dosed, and the visuals were only residual now. 'Only one thing for it!' says I, 'we'll take more MXE!' We each had another 2 bumps and lay looking at the moon with a joint of Haze, barely a word passing between us. At some point we decided it was time to head back and walked J to the bus stop, he got the bus and we went to Pnut's house.

When we got to his room (its a house-share), we contemplated going to bed, but realised we felt like something was missing, the headspace is gone and we were quite sad at that. 'One more bump of MXE' said Pnut, 'And make it a nice one and then we can watch the new Harold and Kumar'. For some reason, I have no idea why, I mustve divided around 100-120mg up between the 2 of us (my vision was still a tad sketchy). I thought the lines looked a little big (considering the amount of MXE we'd already taken, combined with weed, Haze and the 4-aco-DMT), but we did them anyway. As soon as I felt the amount of powder in my nose, I realised our mistake. 'Dude,' I said urgently, 'Lets smoke a joint, get the food ready and get back up here ASAP, I give us half an hour before we're laid out'. He nodded his agreement and we went downstairs, made a cup of tea and went out back to smoke the final joint of the night, getting wonkier by the minute. Halfway through, Pnut couldn't smoke anymore. This is the only time he's ever refused a joint that's only halfway through in my 4 years of nearly daily smoking with him. I felt like a great weight was pushing down on me, and walking was extremely difficult.

We somehow managed to make some food before collapsing on chairs at the table and trying to eat. I felt so retarded trying to use a knife and fork, it was making no sense to me, and Pnut was nearly in tears and leaning on his hand, begging his landlady's dog to stop jumping and making noise. We both cried with laughter at how stupid we felt, sat there, barely able to lift our arms to eat our dinner.

Suddenly I needed to lie down. Everything in my being was screaming at me 'LAY DOWN DUDE, SHITS GONNA GET REAL', so I got up, and staggered up the stairs with Pnut close behind me, evidently feeling the same. At the top of the stairs the lights suddenly went out and, my blood pressure dropped hugely and my vision was plunged into fiery multicoloured fractal chaos. I dove through Pnuts door, onto the bed, remembering to switch the light on in some mad desperate act of clarity. I turned round and saw Pnut stagger through the doorway, and switch the light off. 'SWITCH IT ON MAN!' I yelled as I was once again lost in endless rows of dancing patterns, and he did. Then he fell backwards into the now closed door, staggered towards his bed and lay face first down on it. Despite the state I was in, I couldn't help but laugh. And laugh. And laugh. Now I was truly dissociated, and managed to adjust myself to it, I (very slowly) wonked across the room to grab Pnut's drink, put it on his bedside table and switched the light off.

The next 2 hours I can barely recall, but I know what I saw behind my closed eyelids was insane. A multicoloured centaur-caterpillar hybrid was recreating and destroying itself in a cycle before my eyes for what felt like years, and then I could see some sort of powerpoint presentation in my mind. It was strange, and I can imagine that Pnut was going through something similar because any attempt to speak to him was met with a strained mumble. As the visions faded, I checked my phone and saw that it was around 4.40am, and feeling quite normal and relaxed now, I had a good nights sleep.

So yeah, I definitely recommend 4-aco-DMT. I'm not sure I recommend taking that much MXE after already taking loads throughout the trip, but it was interesting, and I'd probably do it again. Take that as you will!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94857
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 8, 2013Views: 3,835
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4-AcO-DMT (387), Methoxetamine (527) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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