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Nothing but Groggy
Citation:   Shoujoai42. "Nothing but Groggy: An Experience with Valerian (exp94736)". Apr 30, 2019.

6360 mg oral Valerian (capsule)
I read various trip reports of drastically lower dosages of valerian than what I tried. I thought to myself that maybe there was some recreational value of valerian root, because of the various accounts of trip reports that used only a small dosage, and documented euphoric body and mind experiences.

I bought 530 mg. gel capsules and took 12 of them orally. An hour later, the only difference in my state of being was a different calmness, and a groggy thought process
the only difference in my state of being was a different calmness, and a groggy thought process
. I do have extreme anxiety, so I expected my anxiety to, well, completely vanish. Instead, it seemed to take on a 'calming veil' if that makes any sense. During the time frame of my valerian experience, my girlfriend and I had a couple arguments. It didnt seem to help with any sort of impulsivity, in fact, it kinda made it to where I didnt really care enough to hold on to my impulses. I said whatever popped into my head, and that didnt help the situation. A positive was that, when out in public, I had no anxiety about anything, and didn't care about other people's opinions, which is a good thing for me.

All in all, I took a pretty high dosage and didn't get a euphoric feeling like some people claim to have experienced. I didn't have any kind of lucid dreams , or if I did, absolutley nothing was remembered. As a sleep aid, taking 6360 mgs definately helped me get to sleep quickly, and I had very restful sleep.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94736
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 30, 2019Views: 1,948
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Valerian (48) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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