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An Fun Time Without the Shine and Dime
Citation:   Haylor. "An Fun Time Without the Shine and Dime: An Experience with MDPV (exp94617)". Feb 20, 2017.

T+ 0:00
12 mg insufflated MDPV (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00 7 mg insufflated MDPV (powder / crystals)
My overview of MDPV:
Appearance: Somewhat tan, off white, mostly fine powder, with some minor clumps
Purity: 99.8% Reassured by proper lab analysis of the exact batch I received
Dose: 12mg and a 7mg 2 hours later, on an empty stomach. I had cut the lines up, planned on doing the first one, and seeing how I felt, was clearly a great dose to come up with, re-dosed to prolong effects (Which I regret). Cut up both lines, due to the fact that many have a hard time with re-dosing, I made sure to stick to the limit I had cut out for myself

Method: Insufflation via the right nostril
Setting: My room, around the house, skating rink
Effects: Filled me up with energy, I literally cleaned a countless amount of things, for a couple hours. Went skating, to shoot some pucks around. Was more then fun, everything just has an interesting vibe to it. Socially, conversation flew, was calm, relaxed yet still pumped. Made a pizza, which took much longer for me to make, which was odd considering the speed of everything else I was doing. Music sounded better. This substance would be fantastic for a low dose, for a school setting, or to help study, or stay up while drinking. Moderate effects, was for the most part, exactly what I had been expecting. Pretty fun, overall.

Come down: This is where things slowly go down hill...
Come down: This is where things slowly go down hill...
I start to get a headache, late already, around 12, about 7 hours from my first dose. This headache, was quite odd. It was like an odd sensation, in the back of my head, like in my brain, on the same side in which I snorted the substance. I stayed up until early morning, around 6, had quite an alright time having conversations with friends, and trying to ignore my headache. Decided to get some water, some milk, and a Multivitamin. I can say how much water I drank, but let's just say I kept hydrated, the entire time. I decided to lay down, and try and get some much needed sleep. After all those hours, there was still a bit of an afterglow, and I felt exhausted, physically, and mentally.

Overall: Quite a unique substance, fun for what it is, pretty great actually. I was impressed by the price, as it's much like a less euphoric cocaine. I understand now why people fuck themselves up by using this, and not taking the right precautions, and not having proper self control. It's use made me want to re-dose, if I let it, and have the wrong mind state. I can see why people would re-dose, to cure the bloody headache while they are coming down. I understand why people could easily go out of control with this drug, seeing as without sleep, and re-dosing, even often with smaller doses, never mind heavy doses, can easily cause hallucinations due to sleep deprivation, and lack of hunger.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94617
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Feb 20, 2017Views: 1,539
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MDPV (377) : General (1), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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