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Eating and Vaping
Citation:   subject. "Eating and Vaping: An Experience with Kratom (exp92975)". Jan 23, 2014.

T+ 0:00
  sublingual Kratom (extract)
  T+ 1:00 2 hits smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 9:00 1 hit smoked Kratom (extract)
  T+ 11:00 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
A day with nothing to do, and a package arrives. Inside, a fine, golden powder that sticks and cakes up against the plastic. It smells of that familiar bitter wood-musk. The label proclaims:

Kratom 100PX
Mitragyna speciosa
100X Extract

Experience 1: Oral route of ingestion

T=0:00 No scale is present, so a ladybug-sized lump is selected and held in the mouth for five minutes. The powder's anesthetic qualities indicate that this is indeed active material. Subject's last Kratom dose was taken eight months ago. Opioid tolerance is nil.

T+1:00 Initial effects noticed, but the wavelike nature of the high causes doubtful thoughts. Placebo effect? Another small lump is ingested orally. Two small hits of medical kush are inhaled, and the body is numbed almost immediately.

T+4:00 Class - Very ready, very focused, feeling waves of warmth. This is definitely not placebo.

T+5:30 Sleeping on a bus on the way home, very tired, still warm and fuzzy. Slight abdominal pain has begun.

T+8:45 With pain becoming more noticeable, an idea suddenly comes to mind.

Experience 2: Vaporization

T+9:00 Placing a lump on foil above a flame makes the powder melt into a bubbling brown puddle. The vapor is sucked away with a straw, and another lump is loaded, but before the foil is lifted to the flame...woah...what the...

20 seconds later - Something has happened. Something very profound, and an unfamiliar feeling sets into the head. It is difficult to describe. Like touch-receptors in the brain are active, and can feel the inside of the skull. It is neither pleasant nor annoying.

T+9:05 Status: 'Fucked Up' - not in a stumble around sort of way, but in a very heavy, sleepy way with that strange head high. No euphoria is experienced and abdominal pain increases to about 3/10 on a scale. It is only mildly annoying.

T+10:00 Food is eaten, no nausea. With pain on the mind, subject theorizes that the fine powder is like time-release dust, releasing alkaloids with local anesthetic properties. After 10 hours in the digestive system, the dust loses its anesthetic quality and probably becomes clogged in the pores of the digestive tract.

T+11:00 Food is eaten with no problem. A blue american spirit provides a pleasant sensation. Still feeling the odd headbuzz, subject has no interest in vaporizing more yet, and will definitely not eat it again.

T+14:00 Sleep.

T+24:00 The pain did not cause subject to lose much sleep. Dreams of last night were of anger (telling many family members 'fuck you') and suicidal behavior (running across a freeway with the intent of being hit, but each car slowed or stopped). The subject did not experience actual anger for anything, toward anyone, or the intent to commit suicide at any point while awake. Reflecting upon yesterday from today, being somewhat sober today, subject realizes how fucked up she was yesterday.

T+60:00 Second kratom-free day after the experiences. No desire to use more of this stuff.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 92975
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 23, 2014Views: 11,031
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Kratom (203) : General (1), Hangover / Days After (46), Alone (16)

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