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Looking to Get Things Done
Citation:   zolacat. "Looking to Get Things Done: An Experience with Modafinil (exp91805)". Erowid.org. Apr 15, 2018. erowid.org/exp/91805

200 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
It's been about a week since I had to break up with my live-in boyfriend of over four years. Our apartment, which we'd occupied for three years, perfectly reflects the emotional state of the relationship that had existed there - utter, utter chaos. It's just a huge mess, and I'm still working on cleaning it up. But the real problem was the bedroom... three years worth of abandoned clothing and assorted debris, I couldn't even see the carpet.

So when I came across a handful of Provigil, I snapped them up, having heard about the fantastic effects it can have. I've taken assorted ADD medicines recreationally in the past, and I can't say that it was my favorite thing to do... the body high wasn't to my liking, I didn't like how it sped me up and made me jittery. I had to have my thyroid surgically removed in 2005, so it's very possible that my metabolic quirks make most stimulants unpleasant for me.
I had to have my thyroid surgically removed in 2005, so it's very possible that my metabolic quirks make most stimulants unpleasant for me.

I took one 100mg tablet yesterday as a baseline test. Perhaps it made me more focused, but I was with my girlfriends all day having a pity party, so I wasn't going to get much done anyway.

I'd resolved to get some cleaning done today, so I took two 100mg tablets a couple hours after I woke up. It didn't take long at all to kick in - I took a shower, brushed my hair, and I felt really motivated to clean (which is VERY UNUSUAL for me).

An hour after ingestion, I had music on and was cleaning my heart out. And I was really enjoying it! The drug does have some body effects - mildly elevated heart rate (which could have been from light activity anyway), a loose feeling in the limbs which makes it easier to maintain whatever activity I'm focused on, and a mild visual effect that I'm calling 'blinders' - as though I've lost a tiny bit of my peripheral vision and am very focused on the task at hand. I didn't experience any of the jitters that make other stimulants so unpleasant for me.

Now, four hours later, the bedroom is nine trash bags cleaner then it used to be. I didn't even stop to smoke a damn cigarette while I was cleaning - I cannot overemphasize how unusual this is. I'd recieved a phone call from my sister while I was cleaning - the unmedicated me would have leaped at the opportunity to get off-track and stop cleaning. But the Provigil me simply held the phone between her shoulder and ear for a quick conversation, then hung up to keep on with the job.

I am just thrilled with the effects of this drug. I've finished the bedroom and I actually want to keep cleaning, but all that bending and sorting has kinda killed my back for the day. I plan on sitting down with a book that I've been meaning to finish - I don't doubt that I'll get through a significant portion faster then I usually would.

To summarize, the effects of this drug are just what I'd expected from my research - the ability to maintain focus on a task, to be alert while doing it, and actually to be in quite a good mood the whole time. It's not worth taking Provigil for the body high, negligible as it is - there are other drugs yI could take for that.

The only bad thing I've noticed is that it absolutely kills my appetite. I hadn't eaten when I took the drug, and I do feel a slight nausea now. So, I would just be sure to eat before taking it, so as not to have any negative effects the next day.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91805
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Apr 15, 2018Views: 2,491
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Modafinil (217) : Performance Enhancement (50), General (1), Alone (16)

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