Always Have a Sitter
Citation:   Live Wire. "Always Have a Sitter: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp90527)". Aug 24, 2011.

12 mg smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
This is a report from an experience that happened in 2005 that should illustrate the importance of having a sitter for any excursions into the realm of 5-MEO DMT or NN-DMT. In the wake of the recent rulings concerning 5-MEO DMT, I thought it relevant to share this story. I have never read any trip reports that describe this type of experience and since it happened six years ago, I have had a lot of time to reflect on it.

This was the summer of 2005 a friend was visiting town and we had decided to take a 5-MEO DMT voyage. My friend had been visiting for over a week and I had sat with him for a session when he first arrived. He told me that he had felt that it was potentially therapeutic and had described it as a place where one could get work done. I had walked away with it on several occasions feeling that it had a positive impact on my overall sense of self. I noticed a certain sort of lucidity after a session and things would seem to happen effortlessly for me. I often would have premonitions or the ability to sense that things were about to happen. I feel that due to the endogenous nature of this substance and the profound experience of being “dialed in” to a greater pool of energy, that the natural purpose that our brains have for making this substance is to facilitate the hive mind and may mitigate situations where people are thinking together. It would be interesting to study synchronicity in social situations and find out whether there are surges in endogenous 5-MEO DMT during moments in conversation when one person is filling in for the other or when one person finishes another one's sentence. Also, it would be intriguing to study 5-MEO DMT levels in the bloodstream in people who are working on a project on a team or in a group.

My apartment was quite hot as it was late in the summer. I was living on the Lower East Side of Manhattan and although I had an air conditioner it was extremely hot in my apartment. I loaded up my pipe with approximately 12mg of the material and gave it to my friend. I had a small coke spoon that would hold about 10mg of powder, (depending on the molecular weight of the material) so I think I may in fact be estimating high. [Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.] He took a big hit, handed it over to me and laid down on the floor. I scooped up another spoonful and dumped it into the glass bulb of my pipe. I lit the fire and vaporized the material, then set the pipe down and laid down on the floor opposite my friend, so we were positioned head to foot.

I relaxed as the world began to vibrate and dissolve into an infinite number of tiny points and disappear into nothingness. I felt a flood of joy and happiness as I experienced the spirit of many of my friends passing through the space around me. I heard the voice of one of my old friends (who happens to be a gay male), say “hi” and I felt a smile come across my face. That attention seemed to attract his spirit energy and I felt it reach out and connect at my right hip where my Ilio Psoas muscle is located. I instantly felt a snap throughout my entire body which reminded me of snapping my knuckles, however it happened throughout every joint in my entire body. It was possibly the most excruciatingly painful experience I have had while being fully conscious*. I opened my eyes and saw the energy of the outside world as a collection of ribbons that entered into me through my mouth as I opened it and gasped for the first breath of my new life after the experience of being severed from the fabric of humankind.

I instantly jumped up, almost as if being called into action. I whited out completely and when I came to, I was standing in the middle of the room shirtless and sweating in the heat of my semi-air-conditioned room. I was screaming at the top of my voice and my friend was shaking me trying to bring me back to reality. He said that this had gone on for about two to three minutes. I settled down and began to regain my composure. After that I came back to a point where I felt pretty normal. For the next week I had the strange, almost phenomenal experience of being able to see behind the veil of reality. When I was in situations where I needed to make a decision I saw the manifestations of the outcomes of both possibilities opening up as doorways through which I could enter. As soon as I made a decision, the possibility that I did not choose dissolved into nothingness in a way that was very similar to a dissolve transition in video or film.

I thought a lot about the implications of this incredibly terrifying and harrowing trip over the last six years an although I can come up with many metaphysical interpretations, I think that the most important thing that I walked away from this with was ALWAYS HAVE A SITTER! My friend and I had no reason to do this simultaneously. 5-MEO DMT is an endogenous neurochemical that seems to facilitate an experience of transcending your body. It also seems to have a telepathic property that naturally allows two or more individuals to meet together in some astral mindspace where there is some sort of spiritual union. When you intentionally increase the levels of this chemical, you are turning up the voltage on your central nervous system. So, whats clear is that a “sitter” is simillar to having ruber soles on your shoes. You need to be grounded and I use that term in the same way that an electrician would. Two people who are taking this chemical together with no sitter to ground them are like two live electrical wires that are being crossed in astral space. Anyone who has ever crossed two live wires will tell you that what happens is that you get an explosion. I don't recommend it.

I would like to also note that recently I have had the experience of a giant crushing weight of confusion every time I think of this story. The experience tapped my limbic system in a way that activated my fight or flight response, but the result was just utter confusion as to which of these options to choose. I have often felt that I am inside of a giant throbbing bubble of when my life loop cycles back to this section of my past. I am hoping that sharing this experience with the world will break the loop cycle and get my lifeline back on track from past to present and into the future. No replays are ever required.

* From 2001 until 2003 I had a series of Grand Mal seizures where I ended up hospitalized. Every time I had a seizure, I had either been asleep or I lost consciousness immediately before the seizure happened.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 90527
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Aug 24, 2011Views: 6,880
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