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A Wild Ride
Citation:   etnad024. "A Wild Ride: An Experience with 2C-E (exp90447)". Oct 21, 2018.

  oral 2C-E  
  2 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I took 2C-E a few weeks back. Oral dose, around 20 mg I think, pretty strong dose I was told. I also smoked a shitload of weed until I left my friends apartment at 5ish. The onset was slow and subtle, but very noticeable. Early effects were similar to ecstasy, colors became vivid, I felt very happy, content. I also began to have a body high, but it lacked the dancing urge, touchy-feely ecstasy effect. Instead, I wanted to got outside, walk around, take some time to smell the roses. I took it around 2 or 3, began feeling effects at like 3:30. At about 4 I biked to meet my friends at the liquor store to pick up a card to get dinner. The bike ride was awesome, I felt like I melded into a single entity with my bicycle, it literally felt like an extension of my body. I did, however, have a strong dislike for the cars on the road, and felt like they were impeding on the beauty of the world.

A little after 5 I left my friend's apartment again, this time to bike to get dinner. It was getting dark and chilly now, and I was beginning to get the full effects of the 2C-E. The bike ride this time was completely out of this world. Among my friends, we call it 'the bike ride'. The feeling of unity with my bicycle was greatly intensified, and I obtained pure joy from riding it through the streets. My loathing of cars, unfortunately, was also increased. At that moment I never wanted to get in a car again for the rest of my life.

Dinner was amazing. Colors were so beautiful that I could not wipe the shit-eating-grein off of my face. In fact, all of the great absurdities of life made me chuckle. At this point my hearing became effected as well. I could hear everything. Conversations that should have been completely drowned out where clear as day.
I could hear everything. Conversations that should have been completely drowned out where clear as day.
Another odd things was that all these conversations seemed to be about me. I could have sworn that at least fifty different conversations were going on about me. Perhaps because at this point I was struggling to chew my food due to the smile stretched across my face. Dinner ended when I decided that the noodles I was eating 'felt like eels swimming around in my throat,' and I was no longer hungry.

At this point it was probably 6 something, I don't know because time didn't seem very important to me. I biked back to my dorm to hang out with my drunk friends. I didn't know how long 2C-E lasted, and was planning to go out with them that night. The trip was taking an acidy turn at this point. The ride back was orgasmic, and I felt like I was riding my bike on bicycle day after discovering acid for the first time. When I returned, my friends were watching some movie. All I remember was it must have been Cold War era, because the bad guys were Russian. I had to leave this room because of the 'bad vibes' that the alcohol fueled idiocy was giving me.

I went to lay down in my room a little before 7. Lights on. That was of the utmost importance. Visuals bombarded me, both closed and open eyed. The open-eyed visuals were fun; trails, floaters, distortions, patterns and what not. But the closed eye hallucinations were the true journey. I could spend hours describing my journeys through the worlds in my mind. Mario World, the matrix, the womb, a state of nothingness. Just some of the places my mind wandered. I could still hear millions of conversations, still all about me. I began to wonder at this point if I was having auditory hallucinations. I did this for the remainder of the trip, wandering in and out of this world.

During my peak I had some odd physical effects as well. They ranged from horrendous to wonderful. The sense of nausea was overwhelming, and I had some painful diarrhea. At some points, I couldn't tell if I was farting or not. But I also had some amazing physical effects, most notably what I would describe as a full body orgasm. It originated with a feeling similar to the feeling right before you ejaculate (for guys), and spread outward from my crotch, eventually enveloping my whole body for what seemed like minutes but was more like 15 seconds. It left me shaking, it was an incredible feeling.

Afterwards, I had a brilliant glow. I still had a giant smile wiped across my face, and I was still a little loopy. Went outside with my roommate and smoked a few bowls, then began dissecting my experience. I still haven't fully uncovered all of it, sometimes things just hit me out of the blue, and sometimes I try to think back and pick out new memories. It was a crazy ride.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 90447
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Oct 21, 2018Views: 822
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2C-E (137) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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